DEAR ROTARIAN: The Lawrence club was inducted into Rotary, April 6th, 1917, a tumul- tuous and never to be forgotten day, for on that date the United States de- clared war on Germany. We gathered in the dining room of the old Eldridge Hotel, and love of country and patriotic fervor surged thru our veins. Since that date we have had so many fine members, who have left us to go elsewhere, or who for various reasons are no longer one of our active company, that at this time we are inviting each and every one of them to be our guests at our regular Rotary meeting, Monday, February 19th, at the Eldridge We want to again shake their hands, to enjoy their companionship at our luncheon, and to have them feel that the members of today, both old and young have a real interest in all of those who have helped to make Rotary what it is in Lawrence. We hope that you will be with us, but if circumstances prevent, let us have a word from you “For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne.” Cordially yours, on LAWRENCE ROTARY CLUB W.C. SIMONS, ~ JouNn Jacoss, President Chairman Com. Karu Kiooz, Secretary