RE: ROCKNE : You are invited to participate in the Annual Testimonial Service for the late Knute Rockne to be held March 4, 1940, at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, program as follows: Mass at Strong City at 11 a. m. - by Father Albers; Lunch at Ryan’s Hotel; Jess Harper, former Notre Dame coach, and Hon. Ralph T. O’Neil, Former Com- mander of American Legion, will be principal speakers; also short talks by A. H. Gufler, H. E. O'Reilly, Al Gebert and E. C. Quigley. After lunch a wreath will be placed on the monument at Bazaar, Kansas.. We hope you and your friends will join us to commemorate the late Knute Rockne’s birthday, March 4th. DR. D. M. NIGRO, President Rockne Club. Note: Universal Notre Dame Night April 15th.