DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION October 23, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: You know the sort of meetings we have here in Cleveland for our baskete ball rules interpretation. With that knowledge, would you think that Quigley would have anything to add to the meeting? Is he a good speaker, etc. etc.? We haven't yet decided on the dates of our meetings, but we should know that within the next few days and I may be in a position then to go forward with complete plans for our interpretation meetings, Last year the meetings were held November 28 and 29, and may be held at approximately the same dates this year, I have asked Oswald Tower but do not know whether he can come for the dates mentioned. In case he cannot come and in case you do not believe that Quigley can do the thing we want, would you be available? At one time you said you would be willing to help out, and I know the fellows would be glad to have you back, I am just feeling the situation out, in the hopes that we can get things sufficiently well in hand so that we will not be without the services of an efficient speaker and interpreter, With personal regards, I am Sincerely yours Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR: McG Bureau of Physical Welfare ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING