“he Ervin Reid, center, is the only regular returning from last ah cellar teem and the new sophomores include no exceptional prospects. Three reserves from last year, Robertson, Graham and Miller, appear likely to. : win starting berths. The other starter at present is Horecek, a sophomore forwards An unusual feature of the Big Six season should be the number of tall players in actione Every teem in the league, except Kansas, will have at least a Player 6 feet 6 inches tall. | Missouri has a 6'7" men, Tison, and a 65" center, Currencee Nebraska boasts a gtr" center, Randall, and a 65" sophomore, Dunker, Oklahoma has a 6foot 6 inch center, Fords Towa State's sophomore center, Sehneider, is 66" tall and Kansas State has a 6'6" sophomore. Kansas has its smalles team in history. The tallest men on oe. squad are two reserves who are 6433" tell. Neither of these men is ex- pected he ae to play any this teasone The tallest of the men playing much at all is John Kline, 6 foot 2§ inch guard. = Oklahoma As & Me should have things ell its own wey in the Missouri Valley conference, The Cowboys have won or shared in the sonfer= ence championship the past four years. This year Coach Henry Iba expects to have one of his best teamse Graduation ion only one regular ond the sophomore crop is the best in the school's history. 7 Regulars back are Harvey Sladé and Gene Smelser, forwards; Jess Renick, center; and Howard Doyle, guard. Renick has been moved to guard shere his rebounding ability paye big dividends, ‘Taking his place at