December 4, 1939. Mire Floyd Rows, Board of Edupation, Cleveland, Ohite Near Floyds your hospitality ead Winnees in extertadning ne at the Cleveland Athletic Clubs I signed a couple of | tichets but I am not combert thet you shall pay for thie persomallye I tale it that you will be able to get your money out of the officiels" associetion or sone groupe If this is not the case, 1 want you to infor um go that Ioan make the proper compensatory adjustmente . ae mae good te one you anil X went yuu te need fer reat whieh you should tale et every opportune itye With all good wishes end e@ppreciation for your hospitality, T an Sincerely yours, _ Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs AH Varsity Basketball Coaches