Oeteber 6, 1959. Direstor of Athletios, Shawnee Mission Rurel High Sehool, Merrian, Fansase Dear Marolds: : Iwas glad to hear fron you, and to know of the progress that Charlie “oore, Jre, is mking. I mve just sent him a note to pep him up a bite In regard to the Bermuda grass, you would have tc plant this early in the svring efter the frost ms left the groumd. Plant the roots in marrow trenches in rows, in very sandy loam. If your soil doos not heave much sand in it I believe it would pay to haul enough sand on the field so thet it would be at least en inch deep. Harrow it well inte the grou. : ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coache