RECREATION BULLETIN SERVICE NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION Formerly named Playground ¢Recreation Association of America 5 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK This Little Pig Went To a Party -- Here's a pink pig -- and a pen to keep him ine He's one of forty favors illustrated end «, described in a new eight-page bulletin, FUN-TO- MAKE FAVORS e Some of the other favors are: raisin turtle place cards, Prune Puritan Femily, Dutch boy made of nuts and figs, marshmallow man, gum a drop elephant, cum drop mouse, cherry bouton \ nieres and earrings, pine cone dolls and apple favorse Hets =: Send for Basy to malkse Inexpensivee — 9 Fun-tomake Favors Fifteen centse - National Recreation Association 10-39