DEPARTMENT oF November 18, 1939 INSTRUCTION Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog? Attached you will find a copy of a letter I have from Olie, and my reply to it, If you should write him about this, I would appreciate your seconding my invi- tation to have him be up Monday and be with us Monday night. The fellows up here don't see much of Olie, and I think it would be a fine thing for them to get to know him, Our meeting, particularly the one here in Cleveland, we would like to have you stress the work of the officiel, indicating how he may best secure the co=- cperation of the players, coaches and spectators, Anything you want to say along this or any other line that deals with the improvement of the game of basketball, will be of interest to all of us. Just another word. We have at Collinwood High School one of our better basket- ball coaches. Out there they have two sets of baskets that are adjustable in height so that we can raise them 10, 11 or 12 ft. I wonder if you would want to spend some time with Harry Newman out there, outlining some experimental work you would like to have him do with intramural basketball on height of baskets. If you think you will have the time, I will arrange to have you meet with Harry and talk to him about it either Monday afternoon or Tuesday, depending upon which time Olie is going to be with us. When you arrive on Monday, I wish you would come directly to the Athletic Club and be my guest at a luncheon meeting of the University of Michigan Club. I will be looking for you there on the seventh floor, and Big Bill no doubt will be present also. With personal regards and looking forward to seeing you Monday noon, I am Sincerely yours Pe Ae) Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR3McG Bureav. of Physical Welfare Attachment ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING