423 West Olive Street, El Dorado, Kansas. January 30, 1940. F.C .AlTen, Athletic Department, Univsersity of Kansas, Lawr@€nce, Kansas. Dear Dr. All€n: After talking with Jack Bond this morning, we decided to call to yous: attention the outstanding 51 Dorado athlete we have known. His nam@ is Dale Covert, 820 West Locust Street, El Dorado, Kans. You no doubt remember seeing him play in the State Basketball Tournament at Topeka last winter where he was plac€d on the All State Team after having been named on the All Ark Valley Téam. This boy has grown som@ since that time. Now he is 6'4" tall and weighs 210 pounds. This boy is undécidéd where he wants to attend schoo@, and has not decided definitely to play football, but I think with the right kind of an off¢€r he will play football wherever he goes. I have s€@n one offer he has made to im and it provides room and board with a cash job of $15 to 20 per month. In addition, he has ben assured of a position for the summer, I wrot® to Gwinn Henry regarding this boy, but he could offr as much as th€ boy has been offered. In addition to this Mr. Henry was not very impresséd with the boy since h€ do&s not know him like you do. For this reason I am making on€ final effort to interest somebody at K.U. in this outstanding boy before he goes Cls¢where and mak© us feel badlt about the loss. This boy n&@ds all th© assistanc€ anyon® is abl€ to give, and he will probably go to the high@st bidder, exc€pt that I am cértain h€ would rath€r attend school clos to his hom€. His coach has told m@ is one of the Casi€st boys to handle he has ver had, and I am sur€ you would be well pleas€d with him. In the vent you ar€ interested in him, I would appreciate hearing what can be off¢réd him before he decides on something &lsée,. Geo. W. Ramsey.