MORRIS WILKINS. PREs. & MGR. JOE KELL, vice PREs. GEO. H. WILSON. vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. : JOHN THIESEN, SecrRETARY ae . 4 ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLs. Arkansas City, Kans. August 12, 1939 Dr. F.C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. 4llen: This will acknowledge your letters to Bruce and me. Il am sure you would have gotten a great deal of pleasure if you could have seen how glad Bruce was to hear from you. Your signing your letter, "Doc" touched him — he called my attention to it and said, "Mother, that is the first time he ever signed a letter to me that way". As always, he cares more for your regard and interest than most anything and I want to thank you for having written to him. He is doine fine, and the doctor says if he continues to improve, that he will be able to go back to school the first semester, and so we are making arrangements for him to go. Thanking you again for your letter and good wishes, and with kind regards; 1 am Sincerely yours, anthan a Meee Map f forsee HI