MORRIS WILKINS. PrREs. & MGR. JOE KELL, vice PREs. GEO. H. WILSON, vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. JOHN THIESEN, SeEcrRETARY /4 ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLs. Arkansas City, Kans. August 14, 1939 Dr. F.C. Alien, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Deat Dr. Allen: When Bruce asked me to write you the other day, he wanted me to inquire about Ralph Miller and since I forgot it, I thought I'd better get off a note to you. We heard about Ralph over the radio and Bruce is very much interested in knowing how he is, his ad- dress now and if you have time, he'd appreciate it if you drop us aline or have some one do it. He also would like you to give Ralph his best regards and good wishes, if you should see him. Thanking you for your trouble and with every good wish, 1 am Sincerely yours,