MORRIS WILKINS. PREs. & MGR. JOE KELL Vice PREs. GEO. H. WILSON, Vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. JOHN THIESEN, SecrRETARY ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLS. Arkansas City, Kans. February 9, 1940 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen, Lawrence University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens Thank you very much for your letter. You have always been so nice to me and considerate of my feelings. I know and have known all along that Bruce's failure to fulfill in college the promise he showed in high school is his own fault, and i feel only gratitude to you and appreciation of your honest efforts for his good. 1 appreciate too your good wishes for Bruce, which 1 know, are honest and sincere. If Bruce had just had in the beginning the clearer reasoning that he has now, things might have been much different - however, I'm not going to grieve over something that cannot now be helped. Bruce is young and he is sweet and good and I am confident that everything will turn out all right for hin. 1 have been watching with much interest the progress of your son, Bobby. Il think he is a dear sweet boy and I'm thrilled at the brilliant showing he is making, which I know holds much satisfaction and pleasure for you. With every good wish for you and for him, 1 am Sincerely yours, Fanchon Reid