3 nnn AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. W.L.MOODY,IR,PRESIDENT GALVESTON, TEXAS W. LLOYD WILLIAMS, General Agent 1320 Old National Bank Building SPOKANE, WASHINGTON August 18 1939 Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog ; Have been with insurance about a year but will get back into the old game again this fall. This Junior College did not pan out so well. We use to correspond at long interims, ever since my days coaching in Nebraska, Now here is something that might interest you, When I was in Nebraska.1910-16, 1 had quite a run-in with the AAU, Out of that trouble came the organization of the Athletic Federation etc and the old A.L.N.A. revision, In time the AAU came running for peace, About a year ago , Joe Stearns of Atlanta Georgia asked me to assist them with a nation wide set-up of hisAmerican Basketball Federation, I undertook and got some of the Western States rather well organized, sendmng a team from Spokane Athletic Round Table back to Atlanta to Tourney. In all about twenty states participated. Prior to the tourney some six weeks, Ferris and Bingham tried every possible way to kill the event, claiming attempted profess- ionalism , infringement of their domain and what not.However through previous experience I was able to advise Stearns how to combat their every assertion, In the final analysis Bingham recognized we were okay, but wanted us-to sanction the meet, then refused sanction unless the name American was dropped, as the AAU had their own National tourney. When threatened with court proceedure, the AAU officials pulled in their horns, You know their tactics and what not, Steanns was formerly the Chicago American Sports Editor, and has charge of the Hearst publications program of the South, He is a "go-getter! His idea was to allocate fifty per cent of all tourney receipts toward team expehses, pro-rated on basis of duration of participation and travel distance, Then fifty per cent went to the Tourney local expense. This same scale maintained for each State and State Commissioner, It was a wonderful idea, with full protection against actual professionalism of any player etc, The country is fairly well organized right now . Enclosed find a letter head outline. Now quietly working behind us are some of the outstanding college basketball coaches of the country . Some of them are openly working for us, Also many of the AAU officials. The