% AMERICAN NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. - W.L.MOODY,IR,PRESIDENT GALVESTON, TEXAS W, LLOYD WILLIAMS, General Agen: 1220 Old National Bank Building IPOKANE, WASHINGTON 2 Phog time has come for a separate basketball organization -for this country to be run by basketball men , It surely will be the maple court controling body of America and in time should handle the Olympic basketball . I am not going into all the details now. However I assure you that I have at least twenty of the outstanding basketball coaches of our universities absolutely behind me in this movement. We are pretty well set and about ready to bring a. group of you fellows into the scene in an adviswopy capacity. You and I have long seen eye to eye on this AAU officialdom . Dont forget I have the dope against that outfit. However Atlanta is a poor location for the National Meet, ’ A group of Indianapolis men are interested in staging it there, My own idea is Kansas City or vichhity . Hence I am writing Stearns suggesting that he go thoroughly into this matter with you while you are at Atlanta( I understand you will be there soon for coaching school) and see — the possi- bilities of moving into Kansas City say in february for a three day tourney - national. Maybe Wichita would be the preferable one this year in view of the collegiate, In time Phog,I have personal hopes of your being the High Commissioner'of this basketball. You are the ideal man for it. ‘With my political connections and general acquaintance, plus press connections, we can go places with this organization, and carve a real niche for your permanent fame for the old maple court game, I realize that you do not want to swing too s¢ron strang at this stage, but be assured as developments come that I will see you interests are taken care of , You can talk to Stearns as freely as you would to me. This is rather a sketchy affair , but gives you some slant, I was in on the sending of the Canadians to Japan, I have a splendid set-up with the Canada authorities. Next year Or rather in 1941, we send an American team to Japan for ten games, The Japan governement is paying the expenses for the Canadians now on tour there. We can set this up for 1940, and if we are not in control of the Olympics, then we can swing this trip. I would like to see you in charge of the team training etc, So talk this over with Stearns about the advisability of holding meet at K.C. Stearns does not know you, but I have painted your ability in glowing terms and i think he will follow my suggestions in the matter, I have done much for the success of this organization and we are going tops, Regards. Sorry 1 was away when Dr, Naismith was here SIS Spe re Seed eat ecg ae eA ga Whe Be ees eo ceca