F niahat opal KANSAS CITY NEW YORK f aN ERS WP INCORPORATED MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GREETING CARDS GRAND AVENUE AND MCGEE AT TWENTY-FIFTH KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI May 20, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thanks very much for your letter concerning Florell .. . it looks as if we can find a place for him in August. Please call on me at any time if you would like for me to do something con- cerning the basketball meetings next spring. I will be glad to cooperate. Fraternally yours, HALL BROTHERS, Inc. C J. Craig Ruby . Personnel Department JCR:RD etn ad acl: beatae! Association that I would have no definite ian oe yn eee Caer ene ‘subjects book of our in I don injuries, the diet, training preparations, or so “waa of athletic ee ee the State PES Eu Director of Physieal Education and Reereation, og With all good wishes, Sp Lom Varsity Basketball Coach. — FCAsAH STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY EARL H. REED, D. O. 815 KANSAS AVE. TOPEKA, KANSAS July 19 1920 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen, 801 Louisiana, lewrence, Kansas Deer Doctor Allen: Enclosed your receipt for five dollars ($5.00) and your registration certificate. I am unable to find any record of you having attended a Post Graduate course or the State Convention of the Association. How- ever as 1 have no ruling on a case like yours, I am ass- uming that as long as you are not in active practice you are not required to show evidence of having qualified with the required P.G. worky and issued the certificate. We would like to have you attend some of our meetings and T pelieve t hat you would enjoy them. The chairman of the Coaching Section of the State Teachers Association has asked me to prepare a paper to be presented before thém at the November meeting in Topeka. Have you any literature or information that I might have that would help me tn preparing this paper. If you havent the desired information could you inform me where I might obtain samee 7 e Reed, D.0., Secretary. STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY EARL H. REED, D. O. 815 KANSAS AVE. TOPEKA, KANSAS July 24, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, 801 Louisiana Street, Lawerence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: I am herewith returning your check of July 18th., Peoples State Bank for five dollars ($5.00) for your signature. Your receipts were mailed from this office July 19, 1939, however, the missing signature was not noticed until the bank returned the check this morning. EHR: mb d D.0., Secretary. Ene: Check oF crt : i i 1 qe its ogo gk 13% at I ohh H tt ay P i gg HY de mime 8 TEL. ARMITAGE 7702-03-04 1259 NORTH WOOD ST., CHICAGO..... May 2, 1939 University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Gentlemen: Mr. Forrest C. Allen We are sending you three of our A basketballs made of Gunnison leather. Mre Riddell is very anxious that you should have these in order to try them out and to see what our balls will be like for next year. As you perhaps know, our ball has been approved by the National Federation Committee, but their stamp will not appear on these balls as they were made before we had gotten the dies for stamping the balls. We will be glad to hear from you as to how you like these balls. Very truly yours JOHN T. RIDDELL, INC. By CO sn ecalobeee, CMR + LMB September 24, 1938. if . you will notify me ahead of your coming I wii plan on being at 197 office, Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH | | ee Ma ROGER HARRISON, Director CHAS. CHAPMAN, Treasurer MRS. GERTRUDE GOBLE, Clerk RILEY RURAL HIGH SCHOOL H. C, QUANTIC, Principal RILEY. KANSAS September 22, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We have a boy who has been having a little trouble with a knee. He hurt it last year in basket ball and it still bothers him at times. I am wondering if you would look at it sometime if we brought him down to Lawrence. We can be in Lawrence any afternoon next week except Friday. May I hear from you? Respectfully yours Ce He Heltze CER:NF (Coach) ioe ee oy 7 — te Co le ee ‘ Le ec? ¢ et - 2 © r = a aw ‘ Hid) tvtut ius bi} ay | it ial i Ar He ia | 1a fee aed 4 Hu a. HUE, abe iii ile ie Hh Hi in iE is Hl a if 3 i iH ah Mi itt iat ai ec alee fi fi i ii : i jy ey il HEE asl? I “fs oI i i He a iit i i Ail pan (ity i i | Hee i i i i ie Hf dyas i Hy iy eae i Fi s: iti Te be tis | Be a Rue i ad” Her exe definitely going you town thes Standard Peapnarto rot a in our ty and us that Sane nists Gator w eve i i a a a So eo mpl rll Ag Affeotionstely, Your Dad, Stan 7 November 17, 1937 I acknowledge receipt of your kind favor of the 16th instants I am very happy that you are pleased that Bruce is getting good attentions peice Siglo apres a oma appreciate what concerns a parent has at timese —— | Bruce is a wonderful boy end a fine basketball players However, he has not given up entirely his smwokinge I have told him ee ve alluded to it indirectly but so that he would get my point. ve told him that none of the boys could expect to _ Tiss ache ths carntio Gath ae fant ee Naving had a son be disciplined porhaps more than some of the other boys, because they were not my sconse I am telling wis take ta 'eikt franimess, 50 ‘nk yen will mow that there is still sous mileage for him to negotiates But in my opinion, lie is one of the best basketball players, or will be if he quits smoking, that the University has had for quite some time. 6 ea oe ee ee ee ee ee I would not want a better boys : ‘He apparently smoked in high school and got away with a oe ee ee ee ee ee ee eee unprofitable. _ I assure you of my extreme fondness for Bruce, and I ia will work with him patiently yet rather firmly, and in the end I am ( very sure that ali of us will be very happye I will also definite- ee ly keep interested in his studies, because if a boy is doing failing ee eee ee ee ee ee) ee ae ae baa works ee ee his gradual unfolding in the mowledge thet his studies really count will make him do both things well = his studies and his plays a : | : a asi UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT July 31, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I was certainly delignted to receive your letter during my recent illness in Louisville. It so happened that the condition in my foot and leg, that I talked to you about at the national convention, kept steadily getting worse. We had trouble in locating the difficulty. They found that an old injury to my back was causing pressure on my spinal cord. It was necessary to go in there, so they chipped out a little bone too. It so happened that my pelvis was out of line so they performed an operation to straighten it out also. I was confined to the hospital for thirty-two days and returned to Lexington this past Monday evening. I still need to have help to get in and out of bed and I am not able to walk without some means of support. However all of the pain that I had is gone and after all, that is what we were after. Mrs. Rupp joins me in sending our best wishes to you and Mrs. Allen. Sincerely yours, Adolph F, Rupp AR: fl Jue 23, 1939s You have been a wonderful sporteman and a foo ce ethane Ce | Director of Physical Bducati FCAsAH | Waretty tastetia? Comat ait x iugust 14, 198% ant [li abe RY By it i teat be ata pHi 3 Fae” geatg @ ial an i aby’ a aD | He il: it goa i together very kindly tomy very . very much, Marvin Creager. — / yours, ‘ | Direstor of Physical Bdusation and Recreation, ; @2e I would like to be remembered friend and a man whom I adnire He is @ grand gentlemn and a great newspaper mans With a2 good wishes, I am George We Hamilton graduated from the School of Law in 1922. There is no record in the Alumni Office or the Athletic Office of athletic participation. Neither Mre Foster nor lire Ed Harvey remember hime - THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL EVERY EVENING AND SUNDAY MILWAUKEE July 31, 1939. Mr. Forest Allen, Athletic Director, K.U., Lawrence, Kas. Dear Mr. Allen: As an old Warrensburg Teacher's college man (long before your time), and backed by our editor, Marvin H. Creager, a K.U. alumnus and rabid footbal/ fan, I am taking the liberty of asking you for a favor. I would like to have the athletic record at K.U. of George W. Hamilton, Milwaukee's leading ne- gro lawyer. Should you be able to provide the infor- mation, we would appreciate it highly. Sincerely, NuUrnnrasy Rocd City Editor, — > JOURNAL. i ia oy : fn Th 1 ag dane ttt | Hal fi Caaaly = a a Th Wisals $i. 9, 1958. Nery Director of Physical siseeitens VYersity Basketball Conche ! DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION August 12, 1938 Dr. Forest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phogs The purpose of this letter is purely personal; a request for your interest and assistance in helping a relative of mine, a niece to be exact, if it is possible for you to do so. The young lady in question is Ruth Gungl who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Northern State Teachers College of Oklahoma in 1936. Her major subjects were science and mathematics, Ruth has taught two years in a small school in Oklahoma and I believe remained the second year ewen though she had an opportunity to move because of my recommendation that she remain at least two years in her first teaching position. Ay the end of the second year period she resigned her position because she did not care to go back to the particular school in question. Up to the present time she has not secured a school for the coming year and wishes to enroll in a graduate school and secure her Masters degree, As with many ambitious young folks, Ruth does not have a lot of money and it will be necessary for her to borrow a large portion of any funds she needs to continue in school. My thought was that it might be possible for her to make a contact through some interested person whereby she could earn a portion, possibly all of the funds necessary for her to continue in school. I can say for her that she is a very serious minded, sincere girl, one who will be found to be absolutely dependable and one who is always willing to give value received for any consideration granted, © I do not suppose that you, because of your connections in physical education, will know directly of a position thst Ruth might secure, On the other hand I had thought that you would be willing to discuss what could be done with the proper party and let me know about it. Ruth's address is — Ruth Gungl, 1113 South Peoria Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma, Trusting that you have had a good summer and that things are going along with you as they should and assuring you that I will apvreciate anything you can do in this particular instance, I am as always with personal regards, Sincerely yours, Bia. fe sor FAR=-IE Bureau of Physical Welfare ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION September 13, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Your letter of September 9 at hand. Thank you very much for your prompt reply, on your return to Lawrence, Glad to note you had a good Summer, and am also happy to report I had a pretty good time, I spent most of it down on the farm doing hard manual labor, I also spent 2a week with my Mother in Tennessee, and in addition to that, had an interesting trip to Mayo Clinic with my son. As you know, he is studying Medicine, is in his senior year, and is interested in getting a fellowship at Mayo's, if it is possible, I will write to Ruth about the situation, see what she has done, and we may call upon you for help later on. I can assure you I appreciate your interest, and know you would do anything you cculd to help her \e along. wry WY i I will look your new Physical Education bulletins over with interest wos when they come, and will be glad to discuss the situation with you ee Wu whenever we get the opportunity. P \e oe LL With personal regards and many thanks, I am Sincerely yours oe Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR?McG Bureau of Physical Welfare ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING ~ | 7 7 October 6, 1938. Dear Floyd: ee in our section that I a eo ee ee Be Ce Quigheys of quite an attractions Se beats i datas Pub’ fe Paral ok : Colunbie this sumer and I am told he did a good jobe Quig- ley is a professioml and does it not alone for the love of the work but for wat they pay hime Of course, you have an excellent man in your section, - I imagine, in Frank Lane at Cincimati. Wouldn't he be about what you want? I lmow Lane well, but I do not Imow other things concerning details that you will imow a lot better than I. I remenber a few years ago I had the distinct pleas- purpose you : | suitede What’ date did you have in mind, and do you think that I could do the job for you? — x ues eqeubions of Shes Rabenalin, Sinko: inatenie Anuain tion on October 28, at Omaha, Nebrasite I imagine this would — you eahk suuatetes with tate "mvtin dott ak veh tty bk thar eed ee I think I have corresponded with you concerning thate Now, I think el is necessary is to get in touch with Chuck Taylor and he would show you that Converse plotures of course, Chuck is selling Wilson and Converse stuff and it pays ca Chuck also shows some of his stuff in the het me mow if I ear be of any further service to yous Referring to officials in our section, they are mostly young, end while they are quite good, I do not believe any of them could handle @ group te leoture to because they have never worked et it from that standpoints Most of than are business and : professional young chaps who use that as a way to keep the wolf from the garace doors With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, livector of Physical Education, ' POAAH Varsity Basketball Coachs DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUCTION October 3, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog? At our basketball rules interpretation meetings held at Cleveland and McDonald, we have had coaches, officials, directors of programs (like St. John and Mean- well), and just straight-forward rules interpretation meetings carried on by local officials and coaches. For this year, we would like to attempt to have something else developed in our meetings. We would like to get hold of an official who knows the rules and enforces them properly, but who at the same time would be willing to discuss, from the officials' standpoint, the ethical situations surrounding the basketball game, By that, I mean this, What types and kinds of reactions should the players have, in order that the basketball game may go forward with the least amount of interference? How and why should the coaches act in certain cases, an? posstbly lastly, what can be done to control spectetor participation in the Samet Of late years, one seldom sees anything happen on the floor between players that leads to trouble following games. However, frequently, there is trouble following games, brought about by the over-exuberance of some synthetic alumni of one or the other of the institutions competing. In other words, I should like to have some one come in who would be thoroughly competent to discuss the ethics of the situation, from a very practical view- point, Naturally, we want some one who knows the rules, who can talk well, and who has a good sense of humor, Have you any one in mind who could do this? If you do, I will appreciate receiving his name and address. At the same time, can you think of any one who has some very recent and good motion pictures on basketball? If you can, I would be glad to be tipped off in that regards. With personsl regards and many thanks for your help, I am Sincerely yours soa Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR ?McG Bureau of Physical Welfare ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING December 7, 19386 Mre Wayne Replogle, Elgin Elgin, Ill inoiss Dear Viaynes I am sorry, too, that I did not get to see you on your recent visit to the office. it would have bedn a great pleasure to chat a whiles | , : Her With best wishes, I em - Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducati | Varsity “asketball Coach. 7