Stan 7 November 17, 1937 I acknowledge receipt of your kind favor of the 16th instants I am very happy that you are pleased that Bruce is getting good attentions peice Siglo apres a oma appreciate what concerns a parent has at timese —— | Bruce is a wonderful boy end a fine basketball players However, he has not given up entirely his smwokinge I have told him ee ve alluded to it indirectly but so that he would get my point. ve told him that none of the boys could expect to _ Tiss ache ths carntio Gath ae fant ee Naving had a son be disciplined porhaps more than some of the other boys, because they were not my sconse I am telling wis take ta 'eikt franimess, 50 ‘nk yen will mow that there is still sous mileage for him to negotiates But in my opinion, lie is one of the best basketball players, or will be if he quits smoking, that the University has had for quite some time. 6 ea oe ee ee ee ee ee I would not want a better boys : ‘He apparently smoked in high school and got away with a oe ee ee ee ee ee ee eee unprofitable. _ I assure you of my extreme fondness for Bruce, and I ia will work with him patiently yet rather firmly, and in the end I am ( very sure that ali of us will be very happye I will also definite- ee ly keep interested in his studies, because if a boy is doing failing ee eee ee ee ee ee) ee ae ae baa works ee ee his gradual unfolding in the mowledge thet his studies really count will make him do both things well = his studies and his plays a : | :