ars I MORRIS WILKINS. PREs. & MGR. JOE KELL. Vice Pres. GEO. H. WILSON. vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. : JOHN THIESEN, SeEcRETARY ELEVATOR CAPACITY 7S0,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLS. Arkansas City, Kans. January 5, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: If it is not asking too much, I'd like to have five tickets for the K.U.-0.U. game Saturday night. Mr. Reid and I are plan- ning on driving down with Jacqueline and her fiancee in their car, and if the weather is nice, Bruce's grandmother wants to go too. Anyway, I'd greatly appreciate your having five tickets reserved for us and if there is a charge for any or all of them, I will reimburse you after we arrive. Every one in this part of the country is watching your team and it is interesting indeed to hear the different opinions and pre- dictions expressed here and yon by the basket ball enthusiasts, and others. I understand there is quite a crowd from here and Wichita driving down for the game and oh, I hope that K.U. carries off the honors in a big way. We are very eager to see the game and here's ail the good wishes in the world for you and your boys. Good Luck, and we will see you Saturday night. © ‘Sincerely yours, Ag ete