SPE Hehe BSA Ses RAS 2 EE Sa ys SCR Ek RE RENT LE RE aE as rf 5 . Ee age Dees MORRIS WILKINS. PREs. & MGR. : JOE KELL. vice Pres. GEO. H. WILSON. Vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. JOHN THIESEN, SecrRETARY ~ ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLs. Arkansas City, Kans. February 3, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I am sure that you can imagine my surprise and sorrow on picking up the morning paper to learn that Bruce had been banned from the squad for breaking training. I have not heard from Bruce for quite some time and I would greatly appreciate it if you could find the time to drop me a line giving me the details and advising whether or not this ban is for the balance of the season. Thanking you very much indeed for all the thoughtful consideration you have shown Bruce and me and with every kind thought for you, I an < Sincerely yours, Our new address is. ms , é ) Shell Staff House # 5.