February 14, 1938. The Courtry ‘ Curtis Publishing Coe, Philadelphia, Pes Dear Bobs I have just received a letter from Mre Curtis We Me~ Graw, of the McGraw-Hill Book Canpeny, saying thet he sent you the book, Better Basketball. Itrust that you enjoy ite . Bob, I also wmt to thank you for giving moe a line ' om this possible article for the Saturday Evening Poste I am afraid I wouldn't have much chance with those people, but I mow you will with Red Frissell. You have the I wonder if you have slant on a possible the Post might take. Of course, being way out in Kansas rather a tough go, because either coast has much more advantage ever sane fellow out inthe sticks. With every good wish, I am i ; j : & f Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Edusation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. —