December 24, 19876 consider him o vory dependable and efficient young mates He is @ graduate of the University of Kausss, and played three yoars on my vareity buslotball team, Se is married and has one childs oT ewe wetehéd him during hie coaching carcer at Oklahoma Agricultural College and then at Tulane Previously he had coached at Cewtrel High Sehool, Sldehomn Citys Se hap exanplary habite, comes fron a splendid fexily, and in my opinion has great ability to do fine worlte ee have rather followed George Redy with more than the usual isterest, because I thin's that George Rody is a deserving and a capable syoung man with no bed habite end an exceptional amount cf durable qualitiese I an vory to reccumend hin to you without reservation or evesion. I trust you may give him your end sincere considerations , Sincerely youre, FAA | | Director of Physical Eduoations