MORRIS WILKINS, Pres. & MGR. JOE KELL, vice PREs. CHARLES NOLEN, Vice PRES. & ASST.MGR. _ GORDON LOTT, SALEs MeR. ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLs. Arkansas City, Kans. February 8, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Ecucation, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens I have received your letter of the 5th in which you have told me of your visit with Herman Engel and no doubt when I see him next, he will tell me about it. You have been very frank and I am glad that you were, and I am convinced of your sincere personal interest in Bruce. I have read your letter very carefully and realize the truth of everything you have said —- there is one thing about which I want to assure you, however, Dr. Allen and that is that Bruce has never tried to enlist my sympathy, or has never tried to impress me with the idea that you have mistreated him. He was discouraged and disappointed yes, but his unhappy state of mind came alone from the fact that he felt that you did not have any confidence in him. You know Bruce has many ardent fans in and around Arkansas City with whom I have talked quite a bit and naturally, I, being his mother, am inclined possibly to think he is better than he really is, and it was I, while all the time in my talks with Bruce and in my letters to him stressing the import- ance of cooperating with you and doing gladly the things you wanted him to do, who have felt that maybe he was not getting the chance that others on your squad were getting. The hurting thing to me was that Bruce went to K U with such high hopes, you were his ideal, he could talk of nothing else but getting up there to be coached by you, and to have him unhappy just about broke me.up. .