MORRIS WILKINS, PRES. & MGR. JOE KELL, vice Pres. CHARLES NOLEN, VicE PREs. & ASST. MGR. GORDON LOTT, SALES MGR. ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLS. Arkansas City, Kans. June 5, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, % Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Ag you no doubt know Bruce did not pass in his algebra and as it now stands is not eligible for basket ball next year. I am sorry that Bruce did not investigate more thoroughly before leaving Lawrence and get more definite information about a correspondence course but guess he was rather rushed the last few days, and thought he could write after he got home. The thing he has to do now is to find what he can take this summer and how many hours he can get in order to become eligible by next fall. I wonder if you could contact the proper parties and have them send Bruce full information, literature, etc., how much it will cost and how to proceed. I wonder if you would mind doing that for us? I have bothered you so much during the past year, that 1 hate to impose on you any more. But I just don't know to whom to write and if you have any suggestions to offer, I would be most happy to have them. B,uce starts to work the latter part of the week on one of the ice trucks and with his studying, believe he will have a full summer. I shall see that he puts in plenty of time study ing and also that he trains properly too. I appreciate all your kindnesses to Bruce and to me and maybe some day in some small measure I may be able to return them. Ail of us would be glad to see you any time that you might happen to be down this way. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Mrs. Fanchon Reid 307 South First St.