MORRIS WILKINS, PREs. & MGR. JOE KELL, vice PREs. CHARLES NOLEN, vice PRES. & ASST. MGR. GORDON LOTT, SALES MGR. ELEVATOR CAPACITY 750,000 BUSHELS DAILY CAPACITY FLOUR 2000 BBLS. Arkansas City, Kans. June 9m 1938 Dr. Forrest C, Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. . Dear Dr. Allens Thanks very much indeed for your letter of the 8th and for your interest in contacting Miss Kenney, secretary of the Correspondence Study Bureau, and we will be looking for the information and hope we will be able to work out something for Bruce. I am sure it is a fact that Bruce did not do his level best at the beginning of the semester, and that if he had applied himself as he should have, he would probably not have failed in algebra. But I know it is hard for him, and I think he did study quite hard during the time that he did not show up for spring practice. I am positive that Bruce fully realizes now that he really has to get down to business and between the two of us, think we can get things accomplished this summer. Dr. “lien, you have been most considerate and kind to me, and I'll admit very frankly that you have not only been an inspiration to Bruce but you have really and truly helped me through some very trying times, and I couldn't begin to tell you how I appreciate it or how kindly 1 feel toward you. I feel that Bruce owes you much, very much,and I hope that next year, you will derive some little satisfaction from him. Thanking you for everything and with sincere good wishes for you, I am Yours very truly,