January 18, 1945. Mr.e Be Co Quigley, Direotor of Athletics, University of Kansas. Deax Ernie: The Chamber of Commerce is on their annual membership drive. Mike Getto is the captain and I am his lieutenant. Your name is on my list for a call upon you. ‘Por about 18 years I was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and paid them $25.00 a year for the privilege of their fine cooper=- — ation. When I was Direotor of Athletios I suggested that it would be a fine thing for Earl Falkenstien to be a member and for the Athletic Assooiation to pay his $15.00 fee, which is a special price for professors and faculty employees. The Chenber of Commerce holds itself ready to help in all foot- ball and athletic activities, and I would very much appreciate it if you could send me a oheok by return mail as this is supposed to ‘be a one-day campaign. Most business houses and organizations pay the membership of their directing heads, and frankly, I think this membership should be taken care of by the Athletic Association. At any rate, we would like to have you as a member of the Chamber of Commerce in Lawrenee, Kansas. Thanking you for your fine cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. P.S, Ernie, I amwriting this to save the time that I usually take up in a conference. FCA