Mr. Be CO. Cuigley, Direstor of Athletics, University of Kensas. — I coached at the Towa State High § School Athleti Assoc- iation Coashing School at Boone, Iowa, this sumer from August 15 to 19, where we had nearly three hundred lowa nigh school coaches. With me were Ray Bliot, varsity coach of Illinois, and Slip Madigan, of the University of Iowa. The baseball faculty inoluded Lou Fonseca, | public relations officer of the dmerican League, Pie Traynor, in the seme capacity in the National League, and Bud Parmalee, of the New York Gienrs, representing the 4merican League. Track was taught 7 Charles "Chuck" Hoyt, of Yale University. i am sending you some letters that I received from the coaches after the school. They had purchased my book, “Detter Basket- ball", and the reference is regarding the autographing of the SBC. I taught Basketbell end the theory and Practice of | Athletic tadirtes. Just for our public relations angle I thought you might be interested in seanning over these letters, After you have finished with them I would appreciate it if you will return them to my anne et your ecuveniouse. Sincerely yours, ee , Director of Physical Bducation, POCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ene. . a me secs VMS INE hgh octet hat cate Sd igen a da oa le wale hh io so PARa cs ee RT dy Se Pages eae aha eee ome eee ze eae pss SS Nes tod