Mr. lyle T. Quinn, Vanager, Tews High School Athletic Association, 1182 Des Moines Building, Des Moines, lowis Hy dear Lyle: Thank you very much for your splendid letter and chook which cane to my deck this morning. | Tt wes a genuine pleasure to spend the past week in such a finely orgenized and cooperative school. The splendid manner in which the school wes run is a high tribute to your orgenizing ability. ‘The informality reflected your genial disposition. T assure you thet any time I am in or around Les Woines I will drop in for a visit with you. And may I say that any time you are around the environs of Lawrence, Yansas, it will be a pleasure to see you, and further, we would like to have you as our guest at any of our gemes whether here in Lawrence or awaye Just please notify me of your coming and it will be a pleasure to have you as our guest. Fith all good wishes, I om Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach.