BEN LUDY MANAGER CAPPER PUBLICATIONS, INC. TOPEKA 580 KILOCYCLES seb. 24th, 1940. Dr. F.C.Allen, Head Basketball Coach, Univ. of Kansas., “awrence, “ans. As you likely know, the undersigned conducts a sport broadcast over Station WIBW of Topeke, Kensas, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night at 9:30; and at 12:30 noon on Sundays. We are dedicating a night to each school in the Kansas, Cen- tral Kansas, Big Six, and Missouri Valley Conferences; and this is to notify you that the program dedicated to your school will be put on =ornurs. Feb. 29th at 9:20 P.M. I will be pleased to have you let me know of your reaction to this program; and, if you care to, ask that some phase of Basket Ball, Base Ball, or Foot Ball be answered on this program. We pay, with a $1.00 WIBW check, for your question that has sufficient merit to be used on this program. On Wednesday nights we ask you a question, and for the correct enswer, with an accompany~ ing suggestion, WIBW pays $3.00. Address your communication +o: Ernie Quigley. "You Can't Do That" Program Station WIBW Topeka, Kansas Cordially Sports Commentator; Supervisor of National League Umpires.