CAPPER PUBLICATIONS, INC. TOPEKA 580 KILOCYCLES Apr. 24th, 1940. BEN LUDY waneee* Mr. F.C.Allen, Dept. of Physical Education, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kens. Dear Phog,- It is with a great deal of regret that I have terminated my series of Sports Programs over Radio Station WIBW, which I have been carrying on four times weekly since the 17th of October. I am leaving for my summer's work with the National League. My office is 1909 R. C. A. Building, New York City. That I have enjoyed my work on the air this winter, has been in no small degree due to the many fine expressions of the acceptance of these programs by the fans who have written their approval, or criticisms or suggestions. They have been most helpful in sensing what the listeners like to hear discussed. Will you please accept the thanks of WIBW and myself for these expressions of good will. I am more than indebted to those of you who sent in questions on Sports which you wished dis- cussed. There have been far more than time permitted me to answer on the air. So if you did not receive a WIBW check for $1.00 for your question and it was not "sired", do not fesl that it was without merit. It may be that some of these questions can be answered next fall, if the program is continued at that time. I wish also to express my appreciation to those of you who answered "my question" each week. Thanking you again for your interest, I an, Very Cordially, ECR Sports Commentator, Supervisor of National League Umpires.