Che National League of Vrofes sional Base Ball Clubs RC A Building - 30 Rockefeller Plaza Nets Work May; Seventh; Nineteen Forty; Dr.F.C.Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. Dear "Phog": I may tie up a few engagements on one of my Quick trips into the hinderlands and if such would develop I would be happy to take care of a period for a discussion of the development of Base Ball as per the Rule Changes,which as you know have not been many. You might wonder when this "trip" will develop; I hope it will be about the I6th,I7th and I8th of May; if so a Monday or Tuesday assignment,sat Kansas University will be fine: The fee for such visit;; That's up to you; Cordially, ' : Ag Ley | Supervisor of Umpires. /