JO FN OFETV-E R PRESIDENT — SEF AT oa ALD ey VICE-PRESIDENT HAMPSHIRE SWINE RECORD ASSOCIATION PROMOTING AMERICA’S FASTEST GROWING BREED PEORIA ILLINOIS OFFICE OF E. C. QUIGLEY, DIRECTOR ST. MARYS, KANSAS DIRECTORS JSON tH OE TV ER KEWANEE. ILLINOIS Se Past HA DLey — Nov. 23rd, 1938. eee ieee” Dr. F.C.Allen, HENRY P. BARRET Lawrence, Kansas. "oe alee Dear Dr. Allen,- : Bo ce 2S FSi! One” Your letter of yesterday, and contents noted. RENE MEG Nae I am really glad that you felt that it was not necessary ROY P. MCWILLIAMS for you to come up here again, as I know what a very eo busy man you are, and had that"guiltiest feeling” to have — you make that effort for us. Ern has made such rapid gains, in the few dsys since I wrote you that I am sure he is on his way. He has his shom on and is walking without crutches, for the first time since he was hurt. He"wiggles" and exercises his foot and toes as you advised him and can feel it getting better every day. In regard to the hot and cold water treat- ment, I am wondering since the foot has made so mucR progress, whether that would be a good thing. The hot water has a tendency to keep the foot tender, I would think, ahd he has had so much of that. However we will sure do it if you think best. Ern laughéd when I read him the part of your letter about the marbles. He said,"I cmldnt do that when my foot was in its prime. However we will mke a try at that too. In regard to coming to Lawrence, Ern thinks he would prefer to drive down and back at your convenience- as often and as soon as you think. He thinks he could come Fri. or Sat. as it suits you. He feels the sooner the better to get in shape as soon as possible. Will you please call us, #76, reverse the charges- as to when it would suit you for him to come? With the most cordial of Thanksgiving greetings to you and yours, I an, Very sincerely,