; Che National League of Urofessional Base Ball Clubs RCA Building - 30 Rockefeller Plaza Net Work St.Marys Kansas. Jan. th. 3S. Dr.#.C.Allen, Director of Physical Eduvation, University of Kansas, Lewrence Kansas. Dear "Phog"; I have your letter of a recent date and am herewith enclosing check to cover the expenses of the two trips to St.Merys and also your services; if 1 overlooked a foul let me know. 3 My leg gave me so much trouble that Dr.Riley suggested that I have an orthopedic specialist examine my foot; To make a long story short Mrs.Quigley and I went to Chicago to see Dr.Phillip Kretscher,whom you know. Likely the Netion's outstanding specialist: Result; Mercy Hospital for medication and then a cast that wi]jl remain on the foot and lower leg for three weeks more. Remained in the Hospital for twelve days and came home the day before Christmas Eve. The original pictures showed a fract- ure. We were all working on an incorrect premise that didnt do any good. Regardless of that I want to assure you of my appreciation of what you did for me. I should have taken care of this be- fore but I have let everything slide but canceling basket ball games. Both Mrs.Quigley and I wish to be re- membered kindly to Mrs.Allen and Jane,both of whom were so kind to us. My sincerest thanks and good wishes to you. Cordjajly, Supervisor of Ene;