Game with Creighton University, at Omaha, Nebrasia March 4, 1940 Tean left March Srd3 webinned Murch bth, 19406 The following men made the trip to Qmahas Coach Allen, Trainer Nesmiths players @ Allen, Ebling, Engleman, HYD, Hunter, Hogben, Johnson, Kline, Miller, Vorane Pullamn service sce ss ccs ceei os 6 teO $9210, luncheon, $12.60 2 « « « © 2170 Ces ie age 0 Programe, $6010, banguet, Fontenelle, $26.60 ee 32670 Py | Hotel, $18.60, phones, $2610, valet, $2060 o# 23530 Texi, hotel to Creighton depot, 6 trips « « « 8880 Ke Co brenifast, $1050, taxi, Lawrence, $1,480 ee 12,10 Fruit, $1020, gum, «50, nedieines, $1.80, drinks, $2040 « «220 690 Tntertairment,, $4.65, pullman return, $2200 oo 6065 Tot@le « « 9115015 I hereby certify that the above statement is corrects Y Varsity Basketball Coache