oO eae PURCHASE REQUEST ® WN? 91406 giber 27, 1945 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date... Eg se LAWRENCE, KANSAS Eieteae Gna ger Oe ee Oe Re ee ks Mainte a Please furnish the items listed below: a Sos cio Physical Education Wanted By....... al 163 3 Department Nore: Write out below reason for purchase explicitly. Attach Signed: questions if any. o (Depatimiehy: Eesd) Quotation sheets to accompany all orders except contract items, or E noncompetitive items if actual state cost is known. Quantity DESCRIPTION (Complete as possible) Unit Price Actual Cost 9 Records, as follows: 22173 = Czardas Or. 055 22991 ~ Quadrilles 055 20440 - Minuets — 253 20153 - Rhythns 53 22767 - skipping 053 22759 - Singing Ganes 055 20736 - Rhythns 055 20214 - Singing Games 053 P-73 = Conga Album | 2.63 less ROK Budget allowance $ 1600 Net balance to date $ 800,00 Firms from which we recommend purchase be made. Bell Music Co., Pa) Be Lawrence, Kangase PO eo a ee. Terma. Bee eta a SOE ee ore eg kee ae Approved By: AIMGRE i oe i ee 20-4601 10-44—10M Sets cS