Form B-1 Revised UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS Business Manager: Please furnish the items listed below: PURCHASE REQUEST p.R. N2 46710 Mainte Fund or Appropriation ae _Physical Education Wanted By-eceeccscc.- a 19 eee Nore: Write out below reason for purchase explicitly. Attach ee ee: questions if any. foaee UN (Department Head) Quotation sheets to accompany all orders except contract items, or noncompetitive items if actual state cost is known. Quantity DESCRIPTION (Complete as possible) Unit Price Actual Cost Rental on the following described ,» at the rate 1946; more or less. F f i : é ef $100.00 per year, from Jenuary 1, 1945, to January 1, The southeast quartcr of the northeast northwest quarter of Seation 1, Township 13, South Range 19 east of the Sixth Prime Meridien, containing ten acres time prier to the possible purchase by the University.) of the $100. $100.00 Budget allowance $ 1600 Net balance to date $ 400 R Firms from which we recommend purchase be made. : ee > Mee ee ee ee : Mrs. Ina L. Spencer, oe 1014 Missi 4 : Ste, 5: 5 JNO. gS SE SR Uae ac ewan alee occ ce cerns cnr en recenen nesses cencceserencrresccee z ‘ F.0.B ties ec a ee se ere Approved By: (Business Manager) Qucttattiomy NO. scanty ema errs > 20-4601 10-44—10M Sets