PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAJORS = and others Charles Black George Dick Bob Githens Dick Miller Ralph Schaake (Marvin Vandaveer) Warren Hodges Paul Turner Kenneth Thompson Walter Sheridan John Conley Jack Ballard Max Kissell Ray Evans Bill Brill Otto Schnellbacher Armand Dixon Bob Dole Robert L. Humphrey (Boxing) D. Le Surles (ex-Marine) Changes in Sections e Physical Conditioning School of Business Lackey, Eldon Lee Laird, Joe Morris, David Burtén Webster, Max W. School of Medicine Brady 2 Hugh Se Coyle, John F. Havis, Lawrence J. Lindley, Milton E. McClure, James A. Morris, Merle D. Robinson, Art W. School of Engineering Autenrieth, John Russell Beamer, John D. Bear, Millard Edwin DeHart, Wilbur Richard Lichty, Lewis Franklin Mumaw, Claire Aultman Riekexttipdiarixiks Proctor, Wallace P. Robb, Wendell Rohler, Charles Wn. Staker, James Staqetertonroaiemicodiaccacit Updegrove, Maurice Arthur Van Sickle, James D. Gilham, Jack Keith Coates, Clarence Leroy De Conde Ke Cond. vJde Conde Ee Conde Je Conde A. Conde Je Cond. Le Conde A. Cond. J. Cond. Ae Conde 11:30 MIF 4:30 TTS 4:39 MAF 4:30 MWF . 8:50 MP 9:30 TTS 9 3 11:30 MF 4:30 MNF 4:30 MF 3:30 MUWF 4:30 MiP 9:30 TTS 4:30 MMF To G. Swimming D. Cond, D. Cond. Ke Cond. C. Cond. H. Swim. I. Swim. (7:30 TTF) Ce. Conde ‘H. Swim. C. Conde 7:30 TIF (Swim.) 11:50 MF 9:30 TTS (Swim) / 11:30 MF 11:30 MWF 7:30 TTF (Swim) 9:30 TTF (Swim) 3:30 MWe10:350 Sate 11:30 MF 10:30 MIF 7:30 TTF (Swim) 10:30 MF 10:30 Tf-11:30 Sat. 10:50 TT-9;:350Tu. College Fron To Cochran, Charles Donald F. Conde re De. Conde Diehl, Donald W. <. Cond. Je Cond. Derrell, Ralph Perkins E. Swine C. Cond. Elbl, William M. Ke Cond. . D. Conds Gibson, Carl Dean He Cond. Ae Swime Giles, Detroy Robert d. Cond. C. Cond. Grimes, Wallace Kenneth H. Cond. A. Swim Henna, George James B. Swin. I. Swim (7:30 TTF). Hinshaw, Stephen Curtis © G. Cond. C. Cond. Kendall, Jack L. C. Swim. C. Conde Lewey, George R. 11:30 Swim (no sec.) I. Swim. (7:30 TIF) Lindley, Robert N. H. Swin. 10:30 TT, 3:30 Fries (Swims) Love, Charles C. C. Swim. C. Conde Pomeroy, Donald A. D,. Swim. C. Conde Rutherford, John Calvert Je Cond. He Swine Ware, George Robert 11:30 Swim (no sec,) H. Swim Wellington, Robert Be G. Cond. D. Conde Sigel, Carter Benjamin F. Conde Ee Cond. Quotings We are convinced that sound physical condition increases the life span of a man in action." Physical Fitness Section United States Navy Sept. 21, 1942 (Personel correspondence with L. Morehouse) "It is gratifying to know that our educational @nstitutions are ready and anxious to send men to the Army in firsteclass physical condition." Colonel Dumont Chief, Athletic and Recreation Branch War Department Sept. 23, 1942 (Personal corresvondence with L. Morehouse) GNIVERSETY oF —- #1 SOUR Department of — Physical § Education "THE TOUGHENER" 4 ae oS 1 “7 Finish Line | . €Start / \ if Dummies: to run : Wy between. | é tk iii | Barrier 3'6" high; to jump or nand vault. Ditch 2' deep, 7' wide to jump across. —— —" ‘ on a Barriers 18" clearance: — to crawl under. t Hurdles 2' 6" high: 5 i : if yds. apart; to be ————. cleared. ; -, tan 2 high: to be 7 ¥ / / / scaled. fh ae alance beams, tele» _ 1s i/ phone poles 25' long, \9| LA i 2'6" above the ground; Y to be walked. NR! S| : Run to the finish line, | Turning point; xun | 75 yards O Oo around and return to \j Pte?” 5 start. 7 = . oo} Per icipants compete in pairs or relay teamsdgainst zach other. Individtels may~compete agfainst™tine-Standards. © a Marci te; 42 September 10, 1942. Professor Allen Crafton, University of Kansas. Dear Professor Crafton: In our “toughener course” in Physical Education we are trying to develop some morale. In each company or large group we are going to have some competitive singing while the boys are marching. I would appreciate it if you would serve as a moxber of a committee, under the chairmanship of Dean Swarthout, te select the prize-wiming group. It will take same tine, perhaps a month or so before they are ready to compete. Singing is one of the morale builders, and we thought a little competition along this line would be helpful to the esprit de corps of the boys at this time. ® If you will serve we will appreciate it, and I will let you know when the contest takes places; or rather, we will contact you first and place the time at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, | FCA:AEH : Varsity Basketball Coach. September 10, 1942. nn et eee Dean D. M. Swarthout, F | Dear Dean Swarthout: | i I appreciate your willingness to serve as chairmin of a (niin, campaiah af Veebauner Mich Soattom anh Fr shemer _ Otto Messner, to select the prize-winning group in tl com petitive singing we plen in our “toughener course" in ) Physical Education. ‘In each company or or large group we are go ‘to have some competitive singing while the boys are RBs It will take some tine, portage naan or tn, tatel athey are ready to compete. Singing is one of the morale buil jérs, ami we believe a little competition along this #ine will| be I will get im touch with you when we are ready for tha contest to take place, and time it at your comveniencs. | Sieeaiai of Wuyeinnl Education, PCAs AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WARTIME PHYSICAL CONDITIONING PROGRAM the entire physical education program will be Under the Direction of Drs Forrest G, Allen, head of the Departnent of Physical Education, the conditioning and toughening course will be in operation this fall. All men students at the University of Kansas whe abe subject to service in any of the brstidhes of the armed forces will — be required to take three hours of physical conditioning work each wooke Assisting Dr, Allen will be Mre Henry Shenk, who is also in charge of intramurals and practice teaching in the Department of Physical Edueatiion; Dr» Laurence Morehouse, who will be in charge of the swimming progran and the graduate work for Physical Education majors; Mr. Wayne Replocle, _ freshman football coach; and a number of physical education mjors who will form a “leaders corps" to be trained by the regular instructional staff so that they may work wader the supervision of the above named «is ) last year the department served approximately 400 men students on an optional basis; this/ approximately 1600 men will be actively engaced in the required conditioning courses All men must take a wining test, If they fail in this test they are enrolled in the swimming course under Pre Morehouse's supervisions the swimming test consists of the following skillss Jump into deep water, level off and swim fifteen yards, Without stopping or touching the sides of the pool, turn about and swim back to the starting point. Military authorities have noted the importance of swimming as a military aceompligh= mente Already thousants of otdiders and aviators have been lost to the mation through their inability to swim, In waters infested with dangerous | =2e sea animals or covered with burning gasoling or oil, or other burning matter, “every swimer is a life saved and a potential life saver", ‘He need not be & speed swinner, but should be able to use endurance strokes, back, breast and side strokess The swimning ¢ourse offered in the KU. wartine conditioning program will consist of physical and mental adjust= ‘alin to water, buoyance, body position, palanse and relaxations Men who have passed this test will go into the conditioning Orereete These will be broken up inte sections of 40 students cach. ae of an activity is out, for lack of available instructors, As a war move we have for the present dropped the optional activity courses and substit te ad the conditioning and toughening course, Roll will be called quickly by chesking the absent members, and théii the group will have 10 or 35 inhuaioe of rigorous setting=up exercises, The conditioning willbe ‘the sane ag 4s done for football or basketball, Ruming, jumping, leaping, vaulting and elimbing are the fundamental activities of mane These basic fundamental activities will be used in getting the mon into condition, ‘Two obstacle courses have been built = one south of the gymmasium, | and the other west of the stadium, Classes will be held out of doors whenever pesaible, and indoors only in inclement weather, Robinson gymmasium, Hoch auditoriua and all the athletic playfields will be extremely busy during the morning and afternoon hours, Games that are in seasom will be used = touch football, basketball, boxing, wrestling, and all contact gAnese Bvery man will be in action « there will be no one standing arounds (Grow and Crane = Dodge ball = games of low organization) Physical examinations will be given at the University hospital under the direction of Dre Rs Is Canuteson. The man examined will be placed in three classifications -- Class A-men who are fit for anything; Class B== men who have slight limitations, but are still eligible for the toughener oe course; Class Cemen whe will not be allowed strana wertviers Only the freshmen will be examined by the hospital, but Dr. Ganuteson will go over the entire list of pophomores, juniors and seniors and check everyone to seo if these men have had any accidents or illnesses which would ber | them from taking the conditioning program, Henry Shenk will conduct course in track and field at the stadin on Monday, Wednesday end Friday at 4130. A large group of men can be handle in this body-building activity. OF eourse they will de subjected to the toughening course along with their track and field activities. It be posible for any man to choose « particular activity or sport unless the department an organize a class with a minimum membership of 40s The department will endeavor to follow these activity desires of the individual students 4f a minimum of 40 ean be enrolled in a class. This applies to boxing, wrestling, touch football, basketball, track dnd field, and so forth. But each group will undergo rigorous training in addition to their chosen — sports These large squads will be handled in the same fashion as varsity squads are handled, Conditioning, morale and intense enjoyment will be the aims Singing on the march will be @ part of the program. Drs Allen has offered $5000 prise to the outfit winning the event with the best marching songe The competition will be judged by a committee couposed of ites De: Ne Dearth, ehntvenny Professor Allen Grafton, and Professer Otto Miessners The basket system will be used for checking equipment and towels. Bach studeent will egy a towel and locker fee of 75¢ per meeting hour (this will amount to $2625 since the classes meet 5 times a week), plus the usual deposit of $1.00, This fee must be paid by every student when he enrolls because each one must take the swimming test and he will need towels, Mrs Je Gs MoEIhinny, a graduate of the University, has been appointed fulletine supervisor of lockers and equipment, Mr, MeBlhinny is a retired railway mail clerk, after 54 years of services The Department of Physical Education is attempting a Hereulean task “dn conditioning 1600 mans Allen, Shenk, and Morehouse are «11 teaching a Lulletine program in the frofessional physical edueation course, besides doubling on the «i ditioning program in this war energoneys Some of the top physical education im ore and graduate students who might have daddptes in the program have gone, Murray Brow, who was to have taken gradute work in the department and coached freshman basketball, has gone to Topela High School at a salary of $2000. Marvin Vandaveer, © senior physical — education mjor, is to be head coach at Haskell while finishing his work at the University. | : Physical education will be required of each’ woman student entering the University for the first year. Aprogram of activities ims been set up so that the women will have a choice of activities, Om two days each week the women students will attend their activity classes, and on Friday they will meet for a conditioning and corrective period, The women's program is under the direction of Mise Ruth Hoovers Y ; ee = sine ats = ees Seren ae nate re ee } MEN'S CONDITIONING PROGRAM INSTRUCTION: Conditioner - 8 classes; 3 times per week; 3 men BS Man hours per year --------- 3240 Swimming — 8 classes; 3 times per week; 2 men Man hours per year ~--—----—~ 1728 / Mee x se | Less regular staff load ove 1188 ! Oe TH... 88 : 6 hours per man per week | 216 hours os year (a8) | WMA Ss ce ss Ri ee se S. tes ses ee / (3780 hours at 50¢ per hour) : EQUIPMENT : See attached list | | Cg ce : Cees Pe $1089.50 | EE ee 81,0.00 | ASSISTANCE: I kk ew te ek et ee a eg ee ee 500.00 8 oe ee GRAND TOTAL COST $4994» 50 ~ setts Sie Hate aon $2000 would add 811,60 to total or $6454.50 (reducing 50¢ help from 18 men to 13.) Adding two full-time rien at $2000.00 would add $2920 to totel or $7911.50 reducing 50¢ help from 18 to 8.) ESTIMATED COST OF EQUIPMENT Item Number Cost Per Unit Purchase Price Footballs 2 / ak $00 <+C $216.00 Handballs 36 ne te 1.50 13.50 Soccer Balls 12 G 8.00 +S 96.00 Volleyballs 1 a to A = 96.00 Volleyball nets 6 a 6.00 Eep 36.00 Boxing gloves 12 sets g 8.50 L+c 102.00 Basketballs 2h 1% 14.00 AC ~&! 396 09 Softballs 72 of 1.50 cet , 108.00 Softball bats 48 — te ERY, 48.00 Softball masks 10 b 2.50 <+C 25.00 Cage balls 3 2 pipes L +c 33.00 Towels (estimate es 214,00 at 35¢ each) SE SOS ES SSO ee BE Ee ON Chinning bars, etc. TOTAL GOST. . . . = ss «ceeeee. oe Oo A ee 840.00 a j f / NQ Ni j X nN, Sq ™~ August 29, 1942. Memo to the Chancellor: — Im running over the possible faculty personnel who might assist us in our Conditioning Course, these men come to my minds R. He Boanmer, D. D. Haines, fl. B. Ivy, We H. Shoomaker, Raymond | Wichols, Gilbert Ulmer, Guy Keeler, Fred Montgomery, Dean Moreau, Dean Reece, Captain Smith. I ean now think of their regular University assignments that each impossibility of calling | upon them for a sustained schedule. Therefore, I feel that the I : t : j i Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 29, 1942. Memo to Chencellor Malotts: In regard to your suggestion that the towel fee be raised, I think it would be a mistake to raise it further at the present time. This fee has been raised to nearly 437 per towel, on the theory that the student should pay for the wear and tear on the towel as well as the lawmderjmg and service. To raise this to S¢ per towel would give us about a half a cent increase, and it does not seem advisable te recommend it now. set-up we are ordering 200 dozen quoted at » price of §6.55 per dozen. Dean Smith estimated an expenditure of $840.00 for towels but that figure was based on previous prices for towels. We get a cheaper quality for $5.75 a dozen, but I am sure this course, there is the possibility of a laundry break-down, and we would be forced to call upon our reserve. There is no idea on our part of hoarding, but this mumber of towels is a "must". have 5 goods . burg, of Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Company in Kansas City, asked how that would affect their prices. This company is a - of the Wilson Sporting Goods Company (trust). Mr. Free- burg told me this agreement mentioned in the paper would not change their bid at all. I assure you that we are spending our money 6s intelligently as possible. It my be that after we get into our conditioning progrem we will desire to change it somewhat, and then we will order the equipment needed. We do not want to buy supplies now that wo may not need. | + Sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH -—- Varsity Basketball Coach. September S$, 1942. Mr. Raymond Nichols, Chancellor's Office. Dear Rays I acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 1 informing we of the transfer of $5,000 to our balence to cover the cost of the physical comfitioning progrem ~- the break-up of $1950 for maintenance and $3070 for assistance. We will definitely keop within this amount. Weturally it will have to be left to our judgnent as to the quality of the materiel that we desire. 3 Tam explaining to the Chancellor that in a conference Mr. Shenk end I exhaustively went in to the matter of buying a cheap towel and having it go to pieses on us by excessive laundering each day, or putting a little more into this staple product and being assured Director of Physical Education, - Varsity Basketball Coach. | g i SALES MANAGER THE J. B. MILLER KEYLESS Lock Co. ESTABLISHED 1889 oo. “RE@DoT” CABLE ADDRESS “MILLOCK" — TECECEONE Sis BENTLEY'S AND WESTERN UNION CO! KENT, OHIO July 15th., 1942 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Attn: Forrest C. Allen : Dir. of Phys. Education Varsity Basketball Coach Gentlemen: Replying to your recent letter regarding the many locks you now have attached to baskets in your locker room, we wish to advise that from your description, you have locks which are of quite a few years useage and the zine dises in the mechanism have probably swelled enough to swell tight against the pivot hole in each case. If the above if true, you will not be able to move these knobs, unless you put penetrating oil in each lock and allow it to sit a couple days and then jar the knobs in various directions in an effort to loosen. We are leary of your being able to obtain much success however, as shower room atmosphere has odd effect on zine after a few years.. We would suggest that you cut these old locks off of the baskets and mail in to our company. ie will allow you .10¢ each for them to apply on the purhcase price of an equal number — or more new locks for old locks traded-in. The new locks we have are illustrated on enclosed folder and we guarantee these locks 3 years 100 jo6 It is extremely difficult tO obtain locks at the present time and we think that you have better make your decision on lock requirements immediately in ofder to assure you of delivery. We trust the above offer meets with your approval and awaiting | your favoured reply, we remain, Very truly yours, _ THE J. B. MILLER KEYLESS LOCK COMPANY August 31, 1942. ba,f sig et [it ile 2 ei eth ine We ui i it, sail hel it, ih ellis 3 Hae i Hae : “ it £ g = da rel oe Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Sincerely yours, Dear Mr. Nicholss z less that are YoOMe several been You out thet they Mr. Raymond Nichols, Chancellor's Offices THIS IS NOT AN ORDER Form 192 Any Inquiry Refer to Quotation No... H. JOHNSON, Businzss Manscme REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Purchase Request No...................-. a A. - CHASE, Asst. Busrness Manaeur STATE BUSINESS MANAGER Date... July 50,1942... TOPEKA, KANSAS ' Please quote your lowest prices, on the following material delivered F. O. Bo.-.........22..2-.2.2..c222sc2ceceeceeeceeeeeeeeeeneeneeecenees ad Dept. of Physical Education, University of. Kansas,..Lawrence,.Kansas............ . Discount periods begin on date of acceptance of material by the State. 1 2. Closing date 2:00 P.M ; 3. To receive consideration, the original of this “Request for Quotation” with your bid filled in, must be signed 4 5 and returned by the above specified closing date. . All prices and conditions must be shown, additions for packing and other items not shown on this bid will not be allowed. . Bids are invited on specified grade or substitute brands or qualities, or both, provided substitutes are clearly listed as such. Attach to the reverse side of this sheet complete specifications for any substitutions offered. If substitute is not mentioned, bidder will be required to furnish according to specifications. Ree 6. Do not quote on material you are unable to supply. 7. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item separately, or as a whole. 8. All bids aggregating a sum in excess of $500.00 must be accompanied with a certified check for 5% of the amount, otherwise, the bid will not be considered. Quaxzrry ITEMS AND SPECIFICATIONS ~~ oe Qeareiee oe eee oe 600. ||... #BS=M_ Mester=Keyed Miller Red Dot. Locke nena enfin eacecceecceeecnesenefrnneeceneecnnnselcconnece ey eee (less.10¢ on each old lock on trade-in)... ee i c : Ti 2 ae Se ee Style:...¢35/M/S.. Aluminum Finish... 75d Ca. le ee #5/M/1Nieckelea Finish-Black Fate |80q ea. = #35/M/2 Polished Chromium Finish 909 eae (All of the above unit prices are not including the .10¢ trade-in allowance, bcs which would therefore lower each price by that amount if the same number of ol locks are turned in for new locks purch#sed. TERMS... liet..30 days, FeQcBe Ken tyne hOrat To Bs Sicnzep AND ReturNED Promptiy By Parry Maxine Bip Shipment will be made....24......... days we... K ent : Ohis after receipt of order. Debe............. August. 4th.,...1942 Title... Secretary........... 18-8140-s 3-4125M == | —_ eaemnaeneiiain . Sado Sa a * THIS IS NOT AN ORDER Forxu 192 Any Inquiry Refer to Quotation Novccccccccccccccccccc-nu B. H. JOHNSON, Business Manageme REQUEST FOR QUOTATION Purchase Request No....................- D. A. N. CHASE, Asst. Bustnrss Manager STATE BUSINESS MANAGER spate... July 30, 1942. TOPEKA, KANSAS / Please quote your lowest prices, on the following materia! delivered F. O. Bu { eee ee ee eee eect . Discount periods begin on date of acceptance of material by the State. \ 1 SD NO Oe i ann 3. To receive consideration, the original of this “Request for Quotation” with rai bid filled in, must be signed 4 5 and returned by the above specified closing date. All prices and conditions must be shown, additions for packing and other items not shown on this bid will not " be allowed. Bids are invited on specified grade or substitute brands or qualities, or both, iptpvided substitutes are clearly s for any substitutions offered. " listed as such. Attach to the reverse side of this shect complete specification sppeifications. If substitute is not mentioned, bidder will be required to furnish according Do not quote on material you are unable to supply. 6. 7. The right is reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item separately, or as ‘a whole. 8. All bids aggregating a sum in excess of $500.00 must be accompanied with a certified check for 5% of the amount, otherwise, the bid will not be considered. jf rn T T Quaxriry ITEMS AND SPECIFICATIONS a vo Qvarrire Forte ionee oe 600 ||. SGM Master-Keyed Miller Red Dot locks. fff Af i Bo ee (less 102 on each old lock on trade-in). Pes A Re ats A eS Sil aS a ee apres ee Ona umiee bh an ee, seh Set a Ne ee eat ame ke eae cad r ede se ae ge | | ae cA aes hor Me ics un AL cds kk ee Be cae aa koe ak Re ee Slices ee ee Re Dr TERMS: PLEASE TOTAL e To Br Sianep Anp Rerurnep Promptiy By Party Maxine Bw = Shipment will be.made.........._.. days eee on ad bl Address... niaedlowsciimecsencdeiepe tale ae saga cae after receipt of order.. ‘ eT) aia si as sy 18-8140-s 38-41—25M a : Mire Cy Te MoGarry, Jre, Socretary, J. Bs. Miller Keyless Look Company, . Kent, Ohio. Dear Mr. MeGarry: : Binee writing you on July 20th conserning : locks wo have in our department, the University administration has approved a compulsory physical education program for next (yout. — eee You mentioned) in your letter of July 15th that you ‘would allow us 10/ eagh\ on the old looks we would you on aos. ee a duly 20, 1942. tw. C. T. NeGarry, Jrs, Secretary,. Je Bs Miller Paeanne toe SENS Kent, Chios iach lees Munk you voy much for your informative letter of July 15the We doubt that we will be able to purchase looks this year, but thank you for the generous offer you heve made for our old locks. Woe will consider this again if and when we are in position to purchase locks. | These old locks are in the women's locker room, and unless physical education is made compulsory for the women students we will not need the locks this year. With appreciation, I am Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physioal Education, COPY THE J.B.MILLER KEYLESS LOCK CO. KENT, OHIO July 15th, 1942 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Attn: Forrest ©. Allen Dir. of Phys. #ducation Varsity Basketball Coach GENTLEMEN ; Replying to your recent letter regarding the many locks you now have attached to baskets in your locker room, we wish to ad- vise that from ypur description, you have locks which are of quite a few years useage and the zine discs in the mechanism have pro- bably swelled enough to swell tight against the pivot home in each CASE. If the above is true, you will not be able to move these knobs, unless you put penetrating oil in each lock and allow it to sita couple of days and then jar the kmobs in various directions in an effort to loosen. We are leary of your being able to obtain much success however, as shower room atmosphere has odd effect on zinc after a few years. We would suggest that you cut these old locks off of the baskets and mail in to our company. We will allow you .10¢ each for them to apply on the purchase price of an equal number or more new locks for old locks traded-in. The new locks we have are illustrated on enclosed folder and we guarantee these locks 3 years 100%. It is extremely difficult to obtain locks at the present time and we think that you have better make your decision on lock require- ments immediately in order to assure you of delivery. We trust the above offer meets with your approval and awaiting your favored reply, we remain, Very truly yours, C. T. MeGarry, dr. Secye