Changes in Sections e Physical Conditioning School of Business Lackey, Eldon Lee Laird, Joe Morris, David Burtén Webster, Max W. School of Medicine Brady 2 Hugh Se Coyle, John F. Havis, Lawrence J. Lindley, Milton E. McClure, James A. Morris, Merle D. Robinson, Art W. School of Engineering Autenrieth, John Russell Beamer, John D. Bear, Millard Edwin DeHart, Wilbur Richard Lichty, Lewis Franklin Mumaw, Claire Aultman Riekexttipdiarixiks Proctor, Wallace P. Robb, Wendell Rohler, Charles Wn. Staker, James Staqetertonroaiemicodiaccacit Updegrove, Maurice Arthur Van Sickle, James D. Gilham, Jack Keith Coates, Clarence Leroy De Conde Ke Cond. vJde Conde Ee Conde Je Conde A. Conde Je Cond. Le Conde A. Cond. J. Cond. Ae Conde 11:30 MIF 4:30 TTS 4:39 MAF 4:30 MWF . 8:50 MP 9:30 TTS 9 3 11:30 MF 4:30 MNF 4:30 MF 3:30 MUWF 4:30 MiP 9:30 TTS 4:30 MMF To G. Swimming D. Cond, D. Cond. Ke Cond. C. Cond. H. Swim. I. Swim. (7:30 TTF) Ce. Conde ‘H. Swim. C. Conde 7:30 TIF (Swim.) 11:50 MF 9:30 TTS (Swim) / 11:30 MF 11:30 MWF 7:30 TTF (Swim) 9:30 TTF (Swim) 3:30 MWe10:350 Sate 11:30 MF 10:30 MIF 7:30 TTF (Swim) 10:30 MF 10:30 Tf-11:30 Sat. 10:50 TT-9;:350Tu.