UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WARTIME PHYSICAL CONDITIONING PROGRAM the entire physical education program will be Under the Direction of Drs Forrest G, Allen, head of the Departnent of Physical Education, the conditioning and toughening course will be in operation this fall. All men students at the University of Kansas whe abe subject to service in any of the brstidhes of the armed forces will — be required to take three hours of physical conditioning work each wooke Assisting Dr, Allen will be Mre Henry Shenk, who is also in charge of intramurals and practice teaching in the Department of Physical Edueatiion; Dr» Laurence Morehouse, who will be in charge of the swimming progran and the graduate work for Physical Education majors; Mr. Wayne Replocle, _ freshman football coach; and a number of physical education mjors who will form a “leaders corps" to be trained by the regular instructional staff so that they may work wader the supervision of the above named «is ) last year the department served approximately 400 men students on an optional basis; this/ approximately 1600 men will be actively engaced in the required conditioning courses All men must take a wining test, If they fail in this test they are enrolled in the swimming course under Pre Morehouse's supervisions the swimming test consists of the following skillss Jump into deep water, level off and swim fifteen yards, Without stopping or touching the sides of the pool, turn about and swim back to the starting point. Military authorities have noted the importance of swimming as a military aceompligh= mente Already thousants of otdiders and aviators have been lost to the mation through their inability to swim, In waters infested with dangerous |