oe course; Class Cemen whe will not be allowed strana wertviers Only the freshmen will be examined by the hospital, but Dr. Ganuteson will go over the entire list of pophomores, juniors and seniors and check everyone to seo if these men have had any accidents or illnesses which would ber | them from taking the conditioning program, Henry Shenk will conduct course in track and field at the stadin on Monday, Wednesday end Friday at 4130. A large group of men can be handle in this body-building activity. OF eourse they will de subjected to the toughening course along with their track and field activities. It i1li.no be posible for any man to choose « particular activity or sport unless the department an organize a class with a minimum membership of 40s The department will endeavor to follow these activity desires of the individual students 4f a minimum of 40 ean be enrolled in a class. This applies to boxing, wrestling, touch football, basketball, track dnd field, and so forth. But each group will undergo rigorous training in addition to their chosen — sports These large squads will be handled in the same fashion as varsity squads are handled, Conditioning, morale and intense enjoyment will be the aims Singing on the march will be @ part of the program. Drs Allen has offered $5000 prise to the outfit winning the event with the best marching songe The competition will be judged by a committee couposed of ites De: Ne Dearth, ehntvenny Professor Allen Grafton, and Professer Otto Miessners The basket system will be used for checking equipment and towels. Bach studeent will egy a towel and locker fee of 75¢ per meeting hour (this will amount to $2625 since the classes meet 5 times a week), plus the usual deposit of $1.00, This fee must be paid by every student when he enrolls because each one must take the swimming test and he will need