® art General Physical Education During the present war emergency all men students at the University of Kansas who at the beginning of any semester are registered for Selective Service or are members of the various enlisted reserve services of the armed forces of the United States will be required to enroll in the physical conditioning program offered by the Department of Physical Education, three times each week, M.W.F. or T.T.5. Credit for physical education will be given to students _ the old regulations of the various schools. Fon instance, the eras will continue to give a total of four semester hours, etc. In Univer- sity divisions where credit is given for physical education one semester hour of credit will be given to those students who have completed satis- factorily a course which meets three hours eqch week throughout the , semester. nro lment Students in the School of Engineerin : g and Architecture will | A. i a tier tet in Marvin Hall. Other students will enroll on main floor, Robinson > sree eee Pr ps Gymnasium, during the regular | Substituting 7 sport for a physical citation class is PE not permitted except as specified below. Men wishing to participate in varsity or freshmen athletics must enroll ina regular gym class and - no for the firet session of the class. After the first gym class ey will report for their varsity or freshman spo: | , : ee ty sport in accordance with Attendance is required in accordance with the desire of the coach of the sport concerned, usually not less than five periods per week, Irregular attendance will not be tolerated. At the close of the season for the sport selected, the student must either report back to his gym class or for another varsity or freshman sport. Absences Absences from Physical Education classes will be excused only for physical disability ; in such event the student must secure an excuse from the Student Hospital, and present it to the instructor in charge of his Physical Education class. Satis- factory grades in Physical Education will not be given students who acquire unexcused absences totaling more than ten percent of the total num- ber of periods for which the class meets. Physical Examinations Complete physical examinations are given each entering student by the University Student Health Service. The Department of Physical Education reserves the right to restrict the enrollment of students in activities for which their physical- examination record shows they are not fitted. Use of Facilities 1. Receipts for the payment of exercise fees must be presented to the custodian of the equip- ment room in the basement of the gymnasium. Towel tickets are issued and basket assignments are made there. The fee for exercise is $2.25, plus $1 deposit, which is refunded at the end of the : semester, provided there has been no loss of towels charged against the student. This fee entitles the student to three towel tickets, or the use of a total of 51 towels. — ALD md, chad ty whe arp resend tr Ahoy Ging Zoot ees Mui fF ee Rees Aigins . Creel _ ot ae eee, 9 Pe nk at Pity Phas Hla We Agree a fe 7 ¢ gad Ea pk at Loy 7. All male students will be required to take three hours of physical education each week during each semester that the student is in the University, provided that he is subject to service in the armed forces of the United States (ise., registered in the draft, in the Vel, V-5, or V=7 programs of the Navy, in the R.0.T.C., or in the Air iain, A maximum of four semester hours credit may be counted toward graduation. The courses that a student will pursue under this program will be de- ee ee en (1) health examination, 2) swimning examination, and (3) physical performance testy. Students who are certified by the health department as being physically fit must pass the swimming test. If a student is unable to pass this test he must enroll in Elementary Swimming. If he successfully passes the swimming test but does not pass the performance test, he will be enrolled in general physical education. If successful in passing ee ee ae by the department. Students who — not taken the tests at enrollment time should enroll in General Physical Education. 1s Requirements : SALIENT POINTS IN THE PROPOSED COURSE IW REQUIRED PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR KANSAS MEN. Each male student in the University of Kansas must, before enrollment, have (1) a health examination by the University of Kansas hospital, (2) a physical performance test given by the Physical Education Department, and (3) a swimming test also given by the Physical Education Department. The health examination should sereen out any persons physically unable to take vigorous physical exercise. All male students physically able to do so as certified by the health department must take three hours of physical education weekly. The men : will be divided into three groups based upon the results of the swimming examination and the physical performance tests. These groups shall consist of Groups A, B, and C, Swimming Program Group A will be composed of 211 those men who camot pass the swimming test. These men will be required to take elementary swimming in the fall, The swimming test will consist of the ability to swim two lengths of the pool and to remain afloat 5 minutes in deep water. Upon completion of the elementary . Swimming course, students will be allowed to enroll in either Group B or Group ©, depending upon their scores on the achieve- ment test. Required Toughening Program Group B will be composed of men who must take the General Physical Fitness course. This course will be primarily designed as a developmental conditioning and toughening course. This group will include men who have passed the swimming test satis- factorily, but have not achieved satisfactory standards upon the physical performance tests. Satizfactory in this case shall be taken to mean the score of 50 on the average on the test. The test used will be the Air Force Technical Training Command's physical performance test (see copy attached), plus such other tests as the Physical Edueation Department may devise. In other words, a student must have a physicial proficiency equal to the average man in the Army Air Force and mst have passed his swimming requirement before he can participate in the optional program for Group C, Students out for varsity sports will be considered as being in the toughening program until the end of that varsity sport, at which time they will go into either Group 4, B, or 6, depending upon their scores in the various tests, Optional Required Program 3 Students will comprise Group © who have passed satisfactorily both the swimming test and the required physical performance standards. Anyone in this group may elect any of the regular offerings of the Physical Education Department but will be re~ quired to participate in three hours of physical education each weeke This program is aimed at maintaining the degree of physical — 2. General Aim: fitmess alreach achieved and adding to it. In addition, it is designed to teach skills, knowledges and techniques in the sports and activities in which the student is interested so that those activities may be pursued after the student is no longer in the University. | Intramurals All men will be urged, in addition to the three hours of physical education in the required program, te participate in at least two hours per week of intramural athletics, | to develop and maintain an a high state of physical efficiency the men of the University, and at the same time to provide the opportunity for the development of a physically, mentally and socially integrated individual through vigorous physical activities, Specific objectives. ; 1. To teach men to swim acceptably well, 2. To toughen and harden men physically so that they will be able to make a greater oantribution to the war effort, 5. To develop recreational skills and knowledges which will have a “carry over" value after college and also in time of peace. 4. Through the concomitant learnings attendant upon the physical education experiences to develop the individual's character and personality traits. 5. Development of safety ehewledges and techniques on land and water. 3e The Program: Since this is a time of emergeney and many, if not all of the young men of the University will be serving in some branch of the armed forces of the United States government, it is essential that these young men be in as good physical condition as possible when they enter the service, That the Army considers physical fitness very important is show by the following quotation taken from the U, 8. Army's Basic Pield Manual FM 21~20, page one: "fo perform his duties satisfactorily, the soldier must | possess great organic vigor, muscular and nervous strength, endurance and agility. The average recruit does not possess the degree of physical fi mess required of a trained soldier, The required degree of physical fitness can be acquired only through physical training, The performance of purely military exercises, that is, drill, marching, etc., is not alone suffi- cient to correct the deficiencies and incorrect postures too often acquired before becoming a soldier. Further, the con- plexities of modern warfare require so much technieal training for the soldier that all too frequently no time is allotted for physical training; yet the soldier who possesses great technical skill but is wable to withstand the rigorous life demanded is of questionable value." As Swimming, The customary course used to teach beginning swimming will be used. Emphasis will be upon the following points: “See 1. Overcoming fear of the water 2. Prone glides 3. Rhythmic breathing 4, Development of elementary crawl, side and back strokes 5. Floating 6. Finning and eeultine ’ 7. Peet foremost and head foremost dives 8. Elementary turns. The seehenb tet continue taking the course wtil the end of the first nine weeks. If he is not sufficiently advanced at that time to pass the swimmer's test he mist enroll in swimming until he is able to pass the swimming requirement, B. The Toughener Course (Required). The following activities will be used in these classes to toughen and condition the men: 1. Body conditioning exercises 2, Running 3. Hiking 4, Obstacle course 5. Relays 6. Combatives 7. Team contests 8. Tumbling and apparatus 9. Stunts and self-testing activities 10, Mass games and contests (vigorous) ll. Judo (Biu-Jitsu) 12. Miscellaneous games and sturits) @ Ge C. The Optional Required Program (Recreational). The same activities as have bem offered the last several years by the University will be offered in this program with more sections and more activities. 4, Nunbers in Class: Glasses will be closed when filled to the mximm, In no case will a class be held with fewer than 10 students enrolled. 5. Class Procedure: , *Roll will be checked by recording uncovered mumbers on the gym ‘floor, If the class medts outside roll will be checked by the number calling technique. Typical class period (Physical Conditioning Gourse) 9:50~9:58 Checking out baskets, dressing, etc. #9:58-9:40 Roll call 9:40-9:45 (Marching, pacing end runing) Warming up period 9:45-9:55 Conditioning exercises — | : 9:55-10:05 Relay reces - combats - stunts - low org. games, ete. (10:05-10:10 Obstacle course ss 10:10+10;20 Showers, dressing, etc. 6- Number in the deers This proposed prograr should provide for approximately 1600'men, However, it is flexible enough that by some shifting in classes a larger or smaller group may be handled. While it is impossible to do mch more than guess, a rough guess would : place about «« | | Te Personnel: aT 100 excused due to physical or health defects 500 in elementary swimming 150 in varsity athletics 50 in professional Physical Bducation school 500 in General Physical Conditioning course 500 in optional required gym courses. Sis GE ttm teaching Whii have to be handled ty duster ond Senior majors in the Department of PhysicalBducation, These men should be closely supervised and directed by someone in the Department of Physical Education. These men should be paid for their services, but the experience gained should be very beneficial to them, Varsity coaches might be called on to take over some of the administrative and teaching duties in this plan, _ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS WARTIME PHYSICAL CONDITIONING PROGRAM The entire physical education program will be geared to war tempo. Under the Direotim of Dr. Forrest C. Allen, head of the Department Physical Education, the conditioning and toughening course will be in operation this fall. All men students at the University of Kansas who ‘are subject to service in any of the branches of the armed forces will ‘be required to take three hours of physical conditioning work each week. Assisting Dr. Allen will be Mr. Henry Shenk, who is also in charge of intrammrals and practice teaching in the Department of Physical Education; Dre Laurence Morehouse, who will be in charge of the swimming program and the graduate work for Physical Education majors; Mr, Wayne Replogle, freshman foetball coach; and a number of gearetnnh edema widens ie will form a "leaders corps" to be trained by the regular instructional staff so that they may work under the supervision of the above named mene Sah silar She tigen wards dggitinstontedley 400 was wean on we optional basis; this year approximately 1600 men will be actively engaged in the required conditioning course. | All men must teke a swimning test. If they fail in this test they are enrolled in the swimming course under Dr. Morehouse's supervision. The swimming test: consists of the following skills: Jump into deep water, _ level off and swim fifteen yards. Without stopping or touching the sides of the pool, turn about and swim back to the starting point. J oe Men who have passed this test will go into the conditioning courses, These will be broken up into sections of 40 students each. The elec’ of an activity is out, for lack of available instructors. As a we PE OE Insert - page l. ities have noted the importance of swimming as a ey . “ey filita author , agcomplishnont, iy-ebecrving tha lags oF Figg thousands of soldiers hawt teow Leow th, : . through their inability to swim. fack-ofexpertience-end-confidence~in faibuy otT'"t emp Tea Ser ts LADOCUVET 'S swimming course offered in the K.U. wartime conditioning program will consist of physical and mental adjustments to weter, buoyance, body position, s including — Sy weter~infested-with dangerous sea maaan tr, waters infested with dangerous sea animals or covered with burning gasoline or oil, or other burning matter, “every swimmer is a life saved and a potential life saver". He need not be a speed swimmer, but should be able to use endurance strokes, back, breast and side strokes. EASES aay eA Re theta UII tA a aa Se eS : “VRE «SRST estat ere at gy an ean VRE cro Ren aur oaeg move we have for the present dropped the optional activity courses and substituted the conditioning and Soughening i Roll will be called quickly by checking the absent nenbers, and thon the group will have 10. or 15 minutes of rigorous setting-up exercises. | The conditioning will be the same as is done for football or basketball.) Running, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing are the fundessental activities of man. These basic fundamental activities will be used in getting the men into condition. : Two obstacle courses have been bust - one south of the gymnasium, set the other weet of the etedin Ohasees wit bo Meld out of doors whenever possible, and indoors only i inclement weather. Robinson gymmasium, Hoch auditorium and all the athletic playfields will be extremely busy during the morning and afternom tows. canes that are in season will be used + touch football, basketball, ening, + wrestling, and all contact games. Brery man wil be in sation - tire will be mo one standing around. (Crow and Crane - Dodge ball - games of Dew organization) Physical examinations will be given at the University hospital under the direction of Dr. R. I. Canuteson. The men examined will be placed in three classifications -- Class A-men wie are fit for anything; Class B- men who have slight limitations, but - ‘still eligible for the toughener course; Class Cemen who will not be extowed strenuous activity. Only the freshmen will be examined by the hospital, but pr. Canuteson will go over the entire list of sophomores, juniors and seniors and check everyone to see if these men have had any accidertts or illmesses which would bar them from taking the conditioning prograt. Henry Shenk will conduet course in track and field at the stadium or Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:30. A lave group of sen can be hap in this body-building activity. Of course they will be subjected tc ROP i 5 STEP 1c a, os toughening course along with their track and field activities. It will not be possible for any man to choose 4 particular activity or sport unless the department can organize a class with a minimun membership of 40. The department will endeavor to follow these activity desires of the individual students if a minimum of 40 can be enrolled in a class. This applies to « boxing, wrestling, totich football, basketball, track and field, and so forthe But each oes will undergo rigorous training in addition to their chosen sport. | : These large squads will be mmx handled in the same fashion as varsity squads are handled. Conditioning, morale and intense enjoyment will be the aim, Singing on the march will be a part of the p ogram. _ Dr. Allen ahs has offered a $5200 prize to the outfit. soleobed- Por—the—best-soig—aed a antuaialnial mse, The competition will be judged by a committee composed of Dean ’ De Me Swarthout, chairman, Professor Allen Crafton, and Professor Otto Miessner. The basket system will be used for checking equipment and towels. Each s tudent will pay a towel and locker fee of 75¢ per meeting hour (this will amount to $2.25 since the classes meet 5 times a week), plus the usual deposit of #1508. This fee must be paid by every student when he enrolls because each one agi take the swjmning —— and he te need dy a4 ddA are: Anh, Uninbrds towels. Mr. J. & McElhinny/| s been Cppotleed full-time s Lam sete rao ot oft mova lang lockers and equipment, Mw het, ; ax S47 Acted y nabs , The Department of Physical ree is : ———GL 220, fasixkhakx attempting a ‘herculean task in conditioning 1600 men. Some QAirwtb + Merkrcret of the top physical e ducation majors and graduate students who might eis due have assisted in the, program have gone. Murray Brown, who was to have ae pele] S | : & i | “~~ 4 C ; Y 4 ; . eh Rta € ' deerdts t *) / se ~ oe . 4 é : of pa i ~~ Bayne Ah Caaf s 4 ¥ - a mn e he oe : - a ae : pope An~ Ache be Bare ol we oo fe tAAckctard CAtiy ‘ = ee = “=< ~ > : . Sa ; om dee taken graduate work in the departnent and coached freshman basketball, has gone to Topeka High School at a salary of $2000. Marvin Vandaveer, @ senior physical education major,’ is to be head coach at Haskell while finishing his work at the University. | | Ped $f os \ 4 i \\ 1 , : \\ } Physical education will be required of each woman student entering the University for the firgt year. A program of activities has been set up so that the women will (nave @ choice of activities. On two days each week the women students will attend their activity classes, and on Friday / ‘tioning and corrective period, The women's program is under the direction of Miss Ruth Hoover. ae ae ij / gl el ~~ ~ i x i 47 ; t t ‘ iP | f f i fi i t he j Pacha a, Mee a = tm st el att i el es, idan Se eer ‘acct it PERSONNEL and Additional Finances ‘4 \ | Present Personnel Hours (Activity courses in “—~ addition to teaching load) } Dr. F. C, Allen | oe Henry Shenk ° Laurence Morehouse j ? Wayne Replogle | js Vie Hurt if 0 Heecse | (Richard Roe) «eee es eee ee ($2100.00 - est.) (John Doe) see eee eves e| SO se» « « 0 « (2100.00 = est.) Student Assistants Sl hrs. per week (1750.00) Murray Brom— (7s sone larship $300) Charles Black oe ie George Dick Bob Githens Ralph Schaake Hubert Ulrich Marvin Vandaveer Warren Hodges Paul Turner Bill Brill Kenny Thompson Otto Schnellbacher fowel. Room = Gustodian - 9 mos. @ $75 . « « « « « « | 675,00 Student assistants - additional . « « 575.00 Wiehaecivcces Clerical Assistamce .-«s*+e« Records, Rules end Regulations - State Printer Information on Physical Bducation requirements for all students to accompany general information from University. Policy of Committee named by Chancellor Dell Davidson - Chinning bars, etc. Repair lockers Department of PHYSICAL EDUCATION (len) Yall semester No. Sec. Course Prerequisite Credit Time Day Room Bldg. Instructor First Half Semester Elementary Basketball & 1:30 MNF 200 Rk » A Mentary tenia 8 (7 3 $8:30MNP 201 R di B ° . é 11:30 MF OE. Stadium — c " % 1:50 MF 6B, Stadium 7 A Advanced Termis El. Tennis a 9:30 TTs. 202 R os B * ” s & Ws0Tm 202 R z C ee " . & Mssorm 202 & A Elementary Swimaing os 8:30 MHF Pool R B * ° 3 9:30 MMP Pool R c . * 4 10:30 MF «= Pool R D . " 3 5:30 MMF Pool R E * * 4 4:30 WP =Pool R F " * 4 8:30 TTS Pool R G " 4 9:30 178 Pool R f " “ & 0:30 Tfs Pool R A General Physical Education 4 8:30 MMF 0200sR B * " . “ 9:30 mF 200 R ge a “soe we D . . . + 230m iol R EB ° . . ¢ $:30 MIF 200 Pr e . ° 3 4:30 MF 200 R G " . . $ 8:30 TTS 200 R R ” . * 4 9:30 TTS 101 R I . " . @ WU: Tm 20 R Physical Education - Men ~- Pall semester ~ First half - cont. *@ #&# waw > ys wy a we we vy eo ow > Teuch Football " tt 1 ® ) 1 . * Elementary Golf El. Golf. * ” big 1 bd a e bd ee ee 11:30 MF 1:36 ir 2:30 Mar 8:50 TTS. 10:30 TTS Appte 2:30 Mr 3:50 MAF 8:30 TTS 9:30 TTS 10:80 fTs 11:30 TTS (11:30 Map 4:30 TH 3:30 MiP 3:30 TTF 2:30 Mf 3:30 IT 2:30 TT $:30 TT 4:30 TT 4:30 Mir 3s # fF Ww Ww we . “oe Mw we ae ow Pb a a 2 " * Lg ci bi] " 8 * 8 w 8 Volleyball Se ee ee ee 9:50 Mur 1:30 WF 2:30 MHP 3:50 Mr 4:30 MAF 8:50 TTS 9:50 TTS 10:30 TTs 11:50 TTS 11:30 MAF 10:30 Mr 3:30 MF 4:30 IF 9:50 TTS 10:30 TPs 8:30 Muy 10:30 MNF 11:30 MNF 4:30 Wr 8:30 TTS 8350 Wr 9:50 MAF 10:30 Mur 11:30 MF 2:30 WPF 3:30 Mur 4:30 iPr 8:50 TTS Aude Hoch - Aude Hoch AudeHooh Aud, Hoch Aud. Hoch Aude Hoch Aude Hoch Aud. Hoch Aude Hooch B sr oa eee? w ve aw Ce Ke nw 2 Ww ® Elementary Boxing | * " Varsity Athletics j Advenced Fencing Elen. Fenaing Advanced Social Dance El. Soo. Danse Square Dance Intermed. Equitation El. mit. Elementary Equitation Indoor Track o oe ee Be oe oe ome oo oe oe oe oe oe oe oe oe $:50 TTS 10:30 TTS 11:30 TTS 9:50 Mur 2:50 Mir 11:50 TTS 4:50 Ti? 5:50 MAF 6:50 TIF 2:50 Wii 3:50 lai 2:50 TT $350 TT 4:50 Tf 4:50 ut 4:50 LWP BE BS EEE oe P eS ww BP we we 2 wh RREREEREREEE on ae ptf RArtue All male vfrtonts Widd—be required to take a. physical education! eash—week during each semester that + is in the University, provided thet he is subject to service in the earned wu Ann! PRR. forces of the United States (iee., registered in the draft,“tm-—the {%{ ThA. Vel, V-5, or V-7 programs of the Navy, in the R.0.T.C., or in the 20 ee Air service). A maximum of four semester hours credit may be counted toward graduation. The courses that a student will pursue under this program will be de- pendent upon the results of three exeminationss (1) health examination, (2) swimming examination, and (3) physical performance tests. Students who are certified by the health department as being physically fit must pass the swimming test. If a student is unable to pass this test “he must enroll in Elementary Swimming. If he successfully passes the swimming test but does not pass the performance test, he will be enrolled in general physical education. If successful in passing both of these tests he may elect any of the optional courses offered by the department. Students who have not taken the tests 0 OO EE time should enroll in General Physical #ducation. silica eal Wis 0 age i xs 325453 a | Hi i tt ne ne STEVE: iiibaiian 71 Bb