move we have for the present dropped the optional activity courses and substituted the conditioning and Soughening i Roll will be called quickly by checking the absent nenbers, and thon the group will have 10. or 15 minutes of rigorous setting-up exercises. | The conditioning will be the same as is done for football or basketball.) Running, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing are the fundessental activities of man. These basic fundamental activities will be used in getting the men into condition. : Two obstacle courses have been bust - one south of the gymnasium, set the other weet of the etedin Ohasees wit bo Meld out of doors whenever possible, and indoors only i inclement weather. Robinson gymmasium, Hoch auditorium and all the athletic playfields will be extremely busy during the morning and afternom tows. canes that are in season will be used + touch football, basketball, ening, + wrestling, and all contact games. Brery man wil be in sation - tire will be mo one standing around. (Crow and Crane - Dodge ball - games of Dew organization) Physical examinations will be given at the University hospital under the direction of Dr. R. I. Canuteson. The men examined will be placed in three classifications -- Class A-men wie are fit for anything; Class B- men who have slight limitations, but - ‘still eligible for the toughener course; Class Cemen who will not be extowed strenuous activity. Only the freshmen will be examined by the hospital, but pr. Canuteson will go over the entire list of sophomores, juniors and seniors and check everyone to see if these men have had any accidertts or illmesses which would bar them from taking the conditioning prograt. Henry Shenk will conduet course in track and field at the stadium or Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:30. A lave group of sen can be hap in this body-building activity. Of course they will be subjected tc