ROP i 5 STEP 1c a, os toughening course along with their track and field activities. It will not be possible for any man to choose 4 particular activity or sport unless the department can organize a class with a minimun membership of 40. The department will endeavor to follow these activity desires of the individual students if a minimum of 40 can be enrolled in a class. This applies to « boxing, wrestling, totich football, basketball, track and field, and so forthe But each oes will undergo rigorous training in addition to their chosen sport. | : These large squads will be mmx handled in the same fashion as varsity squads are handled. Conditioning, morale and intense enjoyment will be the aim, Singing on the march will be a part of the p ogram. _ Dr. Allen ahs has offered a $5200 prize to the outfit. soleobed- Por—the—best-soig—aed a antuaialnial mse, The competition will be judged by a committee composed of Dean ’ De Me Swarthout, chairman, Professor Allen Crafton, and Professor Otto Miessner. The basket system will be used for checking equipment and towels. Each s tudent will pay a towel and locker fee of 75¢ per meeting hour (this will amount to $2.25 since the classes meet 5 times a week), plus the usual deposit of #1508. This fee must be paid by every student when he enrolls because each one agi take the swjmning —— and he te need dy a4 ddA are: Anh, Uninbrds towels. Mr. J. & McElhinny/| s been Cppotleed full-time s Lam sete rao ot oft mova lang lockers and equipment, Mw het, ; ax S47 Acted y nabs , The Department of Physical ree is : ———GL 220, fasixkhakx attempting a ‘herculean task in conditioning 1600 men. Some QAirwtb + Merkrcret of the top physical e ducation majors and graduate students who might eis due have assisted in the, program have gone. Murray Brown, who was to have ae pele] S | : & i | “~~ 4 C ; Y 4 ; . eh Rta € ' deerdts t *) / se ~ oe . 4 é : of pa i ~~ Bayne Ah Caaf s 4 ¥ - a mn e he oe : - a ae : pope An~ Ache be Bare ol we oo fe tAAckctard CAtiy ‘ = ee = “=< ~ > : . Sa ;