COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATION OF TEACHERS The State University of Iowa Towa City, Iowa Estimate of Reginald Strait SA IE AO Se SEF 1S Se ONS Ve a ee eee eS ee Oe Oe ne Ree Oe IB ee her Je i B= 8) ee Ol DO= 56) 6 OE Gren le Sel a Ves a ee EES EUS ec. ee ae ee Be ee eel ee Se PETS CLO. SHO ee ae ee ce ee Soe RS, Oe Ee eNO ne eS ee ae See. FS SS 6 ee Sw ee Oe OE 6 Se SS ee Se ee Oe eS Oe 6k ee aS 2s Se Oe ee eT ee eS ee Mrs. Reginald Strait has been a teacher here in the public school from 1931, I have been here for the past 2 years as Superintendent of Schools.» Mrs. Strait is our coach and teaches Biology and General ‘cience, This semester he has a class of seniors in ree Mr, Strait is an outstanding teacher, has excellent discipline and brings to his class — of interest from the wide renge of his personal experi- nge He is very successful as a coach, His : and ene? 7. i. rr = a ree najorit of their es, ir, Str no y teaches the sia ils Be the etn, Saag every ee na his supervision gets the correct idea of a true spo His Ebarest in the com= munity finds him working in the church choir and other organi= gations and activities which ask him to serve. I can recom mend Mr, Strait as an exceptionally strong teacher and coach, ( Signed) I, Ve Martin Superinie ndent of Schools Kinsley, Kansas Mareh 15, 1937 Js Copy Note: This information is confidential and should never be shown to the candidate. Form 6 50M:10-36:3793