COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATION OF TEACHERS The State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa SF Oe OS a eS ee ee ee ee Se Se ae ee ee SS ee SS See ee ee wee Ss oe ee See 6 SS 5 8 eS ee Se CS COS S00 8 6S SO 6 08 8 Oe 6 OS eS lim, Strait taught under my supervision for a number of years at Kinsley, I consider him in general an excellent man, personally and professionally, He is a clean, ioe istic gentli popular anon: students and vatrons worker, and well prepared in his department. His atettute: was very coop erative. Incidentally, his wife is an excellent musician and music teacher, and is an asset to any community, They are a fine couple, worthy of a ne Lesabt in, I should not hesitate personally to offer li. it a position any time when availe- ables (Signed ) Ce lM Rankin President, Hichland College Hirhland, Kansas March 16, 1937 gs Copy Nore: This information is confidential and should never be shown to the candidate. Form 6 50M:10-36:3793