TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE OFFICE OF DEPUTY COLLECTOR DISTRICT: Tepeka, Kansas April 28, 1943 Dr. Ferrest C. Allen, Director Department ef Physical Educatien University ef Kansas : Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I had planned te see you befere leaving Lawrehce but my erders for moving came soener than expected. I am assigned to Topeka fer a permanent pest and have been here since April 19th. I am mere than pleased with the results that Dean Nesmith has been getting from the treatments on my shoulder. He net enly knews his busingss and has been censcientieus in the perfermance ef his werk buthas been a very fine and agreeable gentleman with it all, I have enjoyed knewing him and have appretitated his werk greatly. I am planning te continue treatments with Dean at least ence a week fer a while. My sheulder is greatly improved but the neck and back seem to be pretty stiff and sere yet. I will appreciate very much if yeu will contact Dr. Francisco in regard to some arrangement for paying Dean. Of course, I will pay him if the company dees not but I believe that they will arrange a good payment for him if Dr. Francisce will recommend it. I will alse apprefiate a letter frem yeu to Mr, Ed RilingĀ» giving a statement of my case as yeu knew it. He expects to apply fer some sort of settlement in the near furture and asked me to contact yeu for a statement. We hepe te establish the fact that my injury is of such a nature that it will be hard te predict the length of time it may take for full recevery. The company is ebligated by law te pay fer partial disability se long as ZL am unable to return te the type ef work in which I was engaged at the time of the accident. To date, I have received but three Your assistance will wery greatly appreciated. While I have had empleyment in gevernment service since he middle of December, I have sacrificed a great deal in income nd, in additien, have worked under severe handicap en acceunt of he results of the injuyy. I am net more than half efficient new ecause my nerveus system cuts up capers when I am under a heavy