er RE rea ENN oe ge OP Fares Ft OPER oT Gea ae EO Ne) oR ER a Be ee enn ee ce ae ene le ee ee pa aee eee eee Guns ees oacae apes ae ge bt Pires Dr. Allen, Page 2 strain and I den't perferm ordinary tasks with the greatest of efficienc; It has been particularly difficult getting started in this new werk, I would like to express te you my sincere appreciat&an for your help in getting me lined up with Nesmith, I believe it is the difference in a fairly goed chance of having a normal shoulder and that ef being game for several years. If you will help Mr. Riling with my case with the Insurance cempany, I will be very grateful, I am sure Dean will give yeu any infermation as he has it at this time, I am planning te take . a treatment ence a week fer seme weeks yet, Geerge A. Swift Deputy Cellecter Address: Helten, hineae 2 wo Ms cee ME