ir. David L. Shirk, Coach, Senior Nigh Sehool, Auguste, Zansas. igar Dave: I was delighted to receive your letter of April 2nd but I was chagrimned that you had to write mo first. I wanted ' to mke it a most emphatic congratulatory letter on your splendid accomplishment of winning the Class A State Chempion- ship Basketball Tournament. I was delighted because I was ao imterested in your accomplishing this fact. 5 Sie nals watitailiieds- tain saneh teins Waseca Geis it, and I am happy for you. I got a big laugh out of the fact ‘that the.defense was your own, and that it was so crazy that it fooled everyone. Well, that is all —_ it Ban"t fal you, fave. ae Please congratulate Mrs. Shirk for the shirk family, will you, Dave? — : ie, Saieadins Wi ec aw oe: isis wins mixed up hore, Dave, that I am afraid to attempt it. Ow’ help is practically nil. Mr. Hutchinson resigned at the stadium and Deen is doing double duty, or triple duty, I should say. He is property man end trainer for the teams, and further than that he is taking some physical conditioning classes on the side. I am afraid we would have no one here to check out equipment as Dean will be used at the stadium, and of course: the high school boys will be. competing in their track events down e% the stadium and it might be construed as a counter- attraction with no Relays on. So you will understand that I would love to have you and your boys, but it is just one of those things. 7 S hed gue dd Wes Wien deb St pee ees I will see you when you come up for the high school nest, I hopes Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bauoation, — : ay ee eee |