Auguet 26, 1945. end alao some of Some rooens X tried to got you over the phone the other morning after you inguired if Dean Nesmith had been worling on any of the A-l12 boys. I wanted to explain to you that we have first aid kite in the dressing room of the Navy and on the first floor of the gymmasium. If any boy ee eee, ee oe a eee iately send the boy to the hospital or, if in the Navy, to Lt. Command- er Key. Doan has done no work, nor do any of us expect to do what should be the function of the physician or the hospital. TI wanted to have this very clearly in mind by everyone as — ee er handle these matters. dk ii Wate: bend ek vel te seein As eh attention thethe fact that that unsightly bandstand that we caused to be erected on the quadrangle last summer was there again this sumer, _ but we were not responsible for it. Wishing you loads of luck in the desert, T am : Very sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Eduoation, FCAsAH : Varsity Basketball coach.