August 4, 1945. r Pfo. Otto 0. Sehnellbacher, 629th T.8.5,, Plight D, Box 64, Bulfport, Miss. ‘Dear Ott: | am rather rushed this morning but I want you to know that I enjoyed the fine letter you wrote on July 27th. I was happy also That you liked the .Jayhask Rebounds. : You certainly eadé wonething when you told me about the five humdred crew chiefs leaving. Multiply that seven times and you really have something. ‘The squareheads' Fortress Savane Su aly tak We Wen ver wihor Whe Aaciabion of Shaan ee a ee ee - Cangreatulations on your track talents. You are a tough competitor, big boy, and I have always known ite You heve denonstrated it many times. Hope the weathor ebutos somewhat in its intensity Sik pai aaa. | With all good wishes, I an Vary cmersiy yoors, Direotor of Physical Miuoation, FAs Varsity Basketball Coach. —