Ostober 1, 1942. Drs Be Ca Staley, Director of Physical Bduoation, University of Illineis, Urbana, Illinois. Dear Dr. Staley: lS por soe ee ee oe to Grim ยป Direscter of Athletics, and which he referred to me as Direater of Physical Biucation. We are happy to have your printed physical education regulations. I am sending you our printed mterial regarding our teughener pregram that wo have inaugurated at the University of Kansas. We have an integrated program, in that our senior R.O.T.C. studente whe are also enrolled in our conditioning and toughening pregrem are given the epportunity of scenducting our formal pregram or our diseiplinary exercises, which occupy about twelve minutes of the hour. The class is then turned ever to our class instructers who send them through the obstacle course, the bedy contact drills and touch feotball, basketball, ete., in rotation class order. The requirenent for all men is for every semester the men remain in the University. For the women the requirement is one Year's Shek alin teaver Gikammes siakk aanatenks 5 stbeeel of the student fron the University. A special committee has been appointed by the University to handle the petitions for exemption. _ We heve built two obstacle courses, one near the stadium nd ome south ef the gymnasium, beth on rough terrain. I am en= glesing a sketch of the obstacle course. tf" you denies | further information about our condition- ing program I shall be te hear from you again. Very sincerely yours, | Directer of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.