March 7, 1940. Mire Roy Roberts, The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Missourie Dear Rays fment our conversation yesterday regarding failures at the University of Kansas, this is the way we keep ow men eligible. We appeal to the boys themselves, and ask the faculty menbers from time to time for a check up on their progress in classe We tell the boys it is their responsi- bility, because their min business is school works I never approach a faculty member asking him to give - @ boy Somethinge A boy will get the thing thet he is inter~ i de not lose any boys because i put the responsibility on then of doing their share, and then of course I help then @il I can by encouragement and conferences with then discuss- ing the possibility of the future and their present status. This University is no sinecure for any type of student does not went to progresse I have always found the m jority faculty members more than willing to help a fellow help hin- Bee I thought you would like to see the approach we use in | It was a pleasure to see you yesterday. Cordially yours, | DMreetor of Physical Edusetion and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.